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You see, Major" James's voice took on a slightly singsong tone, as though he were making a speech "Venus is a young planet, a vast new world, with Venusport the only large metropolis and cultural center. Out in the wilderness, there are great tracts of cultivated land that supply food to the planets of the Solar Alliance and her satellites.

From above, Tara seemed to be a quagmire of reptiles, dinosaurs, and dense vegetation reaching as high as the gleaming towers of Venusport and Atom City. Huge trees that spread their branches over an area of a thousand feet soared skyward, limbs and trunks wrapped in jungle creepers.

And the other party would have to wait until he found an opening." "What!" exclaimed Connel, turning to look at Barret. "What is the meaning of this, Barret?" "Why, that knuckle-headed baboon!" yelled Barret. "Sure, I made a transspace call to Venusport to the Venusian Atomic By-Products Corporation." "What was the call about?" demanded Connel.

Hill aboard quickly. We're blasting off!" "Blasting off?" the foreman called back. "But I thought you were going to contact Venusport!" "I can't," replied Tom. "Sinclair has smashed the communications and the radar. We'll have to take our information to Venusport in person. I only hope he's left the rockets and atomic motors alone."

"Fifteen years ago a freighter was forced down in the jungles right near Venusport," said Shinny. "I was prospecting near by for pitchblende, back when everybody thought Venus was loaded with it. I saw the crew leave in jet boats. Soon as they was out of sight I went over to take a look. I wanted to see if there was any grub I could swipe and save myself a trip back to Venusport for more supplies.

My pa and ma was among 'em. I blasted off after that. Been in the deep ever since. And you know, by the blessed rings of Saturn, I'd be on a nice farm near Venusport, living on a pension, if you hadn't kicked me out of the Solar Guard!" "Why, you broken down old piece of space junk," roared Connel, "I oughta " Connel never finished what he was going to say. "Attention! Attention!

Request emergency relay circuit to Commander Walters en route Earth!" On the radar bridge of the Polaris, Roger Manning spoke quickly into the teleceiver microphone. Just a few minutes before the giant spaceship had blasted off from Venusport, heading for the Sinclair plantation, Major Connel had ordered Roger to get in touch with Walters to report the latest security leak.

In less than a minute the Polaris had cleared atmosphere and Tom turned on the artificial-gravity generators. He made a quick computation on the planetary calculator, fired the port steering rockets, and sent the ship in a long arching course for Venusport. Then, unstrapping himself, he turned to see how Mr. and Mrs. Hill had taken the blast-off.

We'll find out who that belongs to," said Connel. "All right, Corbett, Manning, Astro. Stand by to blast off!" "Blast off?" exclaimed Roger. "But we're on leave, sir!" "Not any more, you're not!" snapped Connel. "You're recalled as of now! Get this ship ready to blast off for Venusport in five minutes!" "Are you sure they went south, Astro?"

"It's back to the hold of a Venusport freighter, I guess. I don't know." Astro paused and looked at Tom. "What'll you do?" "Go home," said Tom simply. "Go home and and find a job." "Ever think about the enlisted Solar Guard? Look at McKenny " "Yeah but " "I know how you feel," sighed Astro. "Being in the enlisted section is like well, being a passenger almost." The door was suddenly flung open.