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And the other party would have to wait until he found an opening." "What!" exclaimed Connel, turning to look at Barret. "What is the meaning of this, Barret?" "Why, that knuckle-headed baboon!" yelled Barret. "Sure, I made a transspace call to Venusport to the Venusian Atomic By-Products Corporation." "What was the call about?" demanded Connel.

Secretly he was very happy that he had a crack unit like the Polaris to place in such a job. And the Capella unit had been entrusted with the same responsibility. It was under such tight conditions that Astro, watching the least busy of the three entrances and exits, saw Dave Barret walk to a nearby public teleceiver booth, and, with the door ajar, place a transspace call to Venusport.

Astro turned and looked the major right in the eye. "Major," he said calmly, "this man just made a teleceiver call a transspace call to Venusport." "Well, what about it?" cried Barret. "Sir," said Astro, unruffled by Barret's screaming protest, "this man spoke of getting at something, and that he was unable to do so, because he might be burned to a cinder.

"You make one more call like that over a public teleceiver," Connel roared, "especially a transspace call that's monitored by the idiots in the teleceiver company, and I'll send you to a prison asteroid!" "Now, Major," said Hemmingwell testily, "I don't think you should speak to Dave that way. After all, he's a very valuable man in this project."