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Very soon, Tam was not content with looking at the "venomous beasts," as the neighbours called them, but he must needs begin to bring them home, and set up a small aquarium and zoological garden on his own account.

"It is Monsieur Torode from Herm. We had a discussion, and he got hurt." "Torode!" he said, and knelt hastily, and held his lantern so that the light fell full on the dark face, and peered into it intently, while we stood wondering. His eyes gleamed like venomous pointed tools. He stared long and hard. Then he did a strange thing.

These pains in the head and back were becoming unbearable. Nothing but rest could avail him now. He stretched himself under the mosquito curtain. It was very still, breathless, hot! The venomous insects were thick; they filled the room with a continuous ebullient sound, as if invisible kettles were boiling overhead. A sign of storm.... Still, it was strange! he could not perspire ...

Into all the recesses of the body politic, those shafts of ridicule or denunciation penetrated. That venomous invective pierced the hardest panoply. For the first time in American journalism, the world saw the full force of ridicule; and tasted a bitterness of invective unknown since the days of Swift. Out of these personal attacks grew numerous duels.

You must let me have some money, for your son and I haven't had any food for three days." "That's a wicked lie!" said Lasse to himself indignantly, "for she has a good income. But she wastes God's gifts, and now she's out to do some evil." He would have liked to take the fork and chase her out through the gate, but it was not well to expose one's self to her venomous tongue.

It is only fair to say, however, that there are several instances of the commanders exhorting the Indians to be merciful which was a waste of breath, and several other instances where successful efforts were made to stop the use of torture. In return the frontiersmen speedily grew to regard both British and Indians with the same venomous and indiscriminate anger. Nature of the Ceaseless Strife

What is the case that perplexes your eye of physician, which is usually keener than mine, despite all the length of my practice?" "The sufferer is young, his organization rare in its vigour. He has gone through and survived assaults upon life that are commonly fatal. His system has been poisoned by the fangs of a venomous asp, and shattered by the blast of the plague.

The latter directed a venomous look at Ned. Frank noted this, and shuddered as Ned himself had done. It was an evil face, unmasked now, that of the tramp, and Frank realized that his young friend would do well to keep out of the power of this hypocrite and knave. Frank dodged aside as the man came out into the corridor. Then he followed him at a distance.

Although he had warned her sternly that evening against talking, he knew well enough that after the girl had recovered from her first fright she would spit out the venomous tale that she had already concocted in her mind about Sheila and himself. He could not bring himself to confess to Aunt Lucretia all the truth about his first meeting and subsequent association with Sheila.

A group of men had entered the farthermost cellars, led by one who bore an electric pocket-lamp. The hard, white ray danced from bloated gray fungi to others of nightmare shape, of dazzling, venomous brilliance. Do not be deceived by its size. It is a giant variety of my own culture and is of the order empusa.