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But there we heard he had not yet arrived, he was not due till half-past five. To pass the time we drank a mouthful of aguardiente and smoked a cigarette, and eventually the medico was espied in the distance. We went towards him a round, fat person with a red face and a redder nose, somewhat shabbily dressed. He looked at me pointedly and said: 'I'm dry. Vengo seco.

Every quaint old craft, whether light caravel or crazy galleon, is underwritten with the legend, Vengo de Maluco, I come from the Moluccas, or, Vay a Maluco, I go to the Moluccas, as though that region were the only one on the face of the globe worthy of consideration. And all that "Province of Maluco" bears inscriptions denoting the particular product for which each island is celebrated.

But she checked herself as with a quick inspiration: "Have you been to breakfast?" "Well ah not this morning," Mr. Orson admitted, as if to imply that having breakfasted some other morning might be supposed to serve the purpose. She left him and ran to the door. "Maddalena, Maddalena!" she called; and Maddalena responded with a frightened voice from the direction of the kitchen: "Vengo subito!"

Vengo subito! Mezzo Verona! Due Calomai! Vengo subito! Ecco me!" of the waiters, who, though they never ceased to announce their coming, were so slow to come that many diners brought a course or two in their pockets to occupy them during the intervals.

She opened her eyes, and now she could see the boat again and the rower. "Gaspare!" she cried, with all her strength, to the black figure. "Why don't you row to the shore? Why don't you come to me?" "Vengo!" Loudly the word came to her, loudly and sullenly as if the boy were angry with her, almost hated her. It was followed by a fierce splash of oars.

Trompe-la-Mort, under a transient gleam of light from the passage, at once recognized Bibi-Lupin in the gendarme who stood leaning on his sword. "Io sono Gaba-Morto. Parla nostro Italiano," said Jacques Collin very rapidly. "Vengo ti salvar." "I am Trompe-la-Mort. Talk our Italian. I have come to save you."

Moritz, even Paris or London, the various cities which are like quarters scattered over Europe of the fluctuating 'Cosmopolis, christened by Beyle: 'Vengo adesso da Cosmopoli'. It is the contrast between the rather incoherent ways of the rovers of high life and the character of perennity impressed everywhere in the great city of the Caesars and of the Popes which has caused me to choose the spot where even the corners speak of a secular past, there to evoke some representatives of the most modern, as well as the most arbitrary and the most momentary, life.

Let me take you back to the island." She did not answer him. But when he moved she followed him, till they came to the rocks and saw floating on the dim water the two white boats. "Gaspare!" "Vengo!" That cry what did it recall to Hermione? Gaspare's cry from the inlet beneath the Isle of the Sirens when he was bringing the body of Maurice from the sea.

But to return to the fair and our station on the parapets at Grotta-Ferrata. Smoking plates come in and out of the dark hole of a door that opens into kitchen and cellar, and the camerieri cry constantly, "Vengo subito" "Eccomi qua" whether they come or not.

He hoped she might be coming to the station. "Non vengo!" she cried. He wished her good-night, and turned his horses down the corner. As the diligence came round she saw that it was empty. "Vengo..." Her voice was tremulous, and did not carry. The horses swung off. "Vengo! Vengo!" He had begun to sing, and heard nothing.