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The vendor, perceiving that the unfolded merchandise has caught the eye of a possible purchaser, commences his opening speech.

"Coco" had nothing to do with cocoa, but was a most mawkish beverage compounded principally of liquorice and water. The attraction about it lay in the great tank the vendor carried strapped to his back. This tank was covered with red velvet and gold tinsel, and was surmounted with a number of little tinkling silver bells.

Outside, in the street, came the clatter of wheels passing and the cries of a street vendor; far off came the whistle of a locomotive. Kaya dragged herself to her feet slowly, stumbling a little. She passed her hands over her eyes once or twice, as if blinded; then feebly, like one who has just recovered from a long illness, she tottered towards the door and opened it.

Look at that girl in front of us, stooping over the stall of a vendor of what some one has dubbed "sticky nastinesses," her háïk lightly thrown back; her bent form and the tiny hand protruding at her side show that she is not alone, her little baby brother proving almost as much as she can carry.

I, as vendor, join the Board after allotment." "Where's the point about shares for me?" asked Sir Francis, reading on. "That doesn't appear in the prospectus, of course. A private arrangement between Clifford and myself. Here's the memorandum." This he handed to Olive, who nodded her head with pleasure as she read it through, her father looking over her shoulder.

And yet every cheap purchase, every purchase made at a rate so cheap as to deny the vendor his fair profit is, in truth, a dishonesty; a dishonesty to which the purchaser is indirectly a party. Would that women could be taught to hate bargains! How much less useless trash would there be in our houses, and how much fewer tremendous sacrifices in our shops!

Now, when he was in the presence, he exclaimed, 'Peace, O vendor of apparel, unto thee and unto thine! Shagpat answered, 'That with thee! Said Shibli Bagarag, 'I have heard of thee, O thou wonder! Wullahy! I am here to render homage to that I behold. Shagpat answered, ''Tis well! Then said Shibli Bagarag, 'Praise my discretion!

Sunday requires all this in its honor. Unhappy are those to whom the tall trees of Luxembourg gardens do not recall one of those recollections which cling to the heart like its first perfume to a vase. I was a General, under those trees, a General with a plume like a mourning coach-horse, and armed to the teeth. I held command from the hut of the newspaper vendor to the kiosk of the gaufre seller.

But what could he do with a piece of false jewellery? He could not dispose of it, save to a vendor of theatrical properties, who no doubt was well acquainted with the trinket and would not give more than a couple of francs for what was obviously stolen property.

He offered them what he considered a fair price, and if that was not satisfactory, why, the vendor could go hang, for all he cared. One old chief was especially persistent and offensive in his bargaining for a high price.