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"Dey can do vot dey like; dey von't get to de bottom of de vell. Dat Villon is sharp; he vill know how to keep his tongue still; dey can prove nothing; dey may give de sack to a stable-boy, or dey may think themselves mighty bright in seeing a mare's nest, but dey vill never come to us." The welsher gave a loud, hoarse guffaw of relish and enjoyment. "No!

Ain't that so, or am I wrong?" "Yes, that is so," the young man answered. "Vell, I vant to tell you right now that it ain't no manner of use. There's someone slipped in afore you." "She told me so." "Vell, you can lay that she told you truth. But did she tell you who it vas?" "No, I asked her; but she wouldn't tell." "I dare say not, the leetle baggage!

But for this fear he would never have taken the trouble of upsetting and replacing everything in the room, but would have been perfectly satisfied for his employer to sustain the loss. "Vell!" said Mr. Swartz. "I suppose you ish satisfied dat te monish ain't here." "Its disappearance is very singular," replied the clerk.

"No, I have never been in your line of trade." "Vell, how do you know so much?" "I know very little, but I have always enjoyed such things." "Vell, dot's more funny yet. You vould make a lot of money if you did. Ven you get someting for nudding you know it I don't. You see dem vot you call 'em Spodes and dot tureen, dot " "Lowestoft?" suggested the stranger, adjusting the mouthpiece of his pipe.

"Yes, sir." "Are you villing to take me for ein poarder? Oh! I shall pay ver' vell; I haf nine hundert vrancs of inkomm, und I haf not ver' long ter lif.... I shall gif no drouble vatefer.... I can eat onydings I only vant to shmoke mein bipe. Und you are der only von dat haf shed a tear for Bons, mit me; und so, I lof you."

These energetic remarks decided the Chair to act. "Vell," he said, "it happears to be a go. The Chair happoints hisself an' Billy an' Sim Boles, an' the sooner ve sees Tony the sooner vill the band begin to play. If you don't think there'll be moosic as'll make your ears 'um, you don't know Tony Scollop."

But it vere a good night on the whole, thanks to you and the Corp 'ere, I got the whole gang, though, from conclusions as I'd drawed I'ad 'oped to get vell, shall ve say Number Two? But Fate was ag'in me. Still, I don't complain, and the vay you fought 'em off till the Corp and my specials come up vas a vonder!" "Ah! that it were!" nodded the Corporal.

One day, as the Doctor was walking along the street, a large hand grasped his elbow and gently arrested his steps. He turned. "Well, Reisen, is that you?" The baker answered with his wide smile. "Yes, Toctor, tat iss me, sure. You titn't tink udt iss Mr. Richlun, tit you?" "No. How is Richling?" "Vell, Mr. Richlun kitten along so-o-o-so-o-o.

"Bot," he continued, "it vould be worth vile to try. Possiblement de bu'stin' of de gun in his troat might do ver vell. It vould give him con con vat you call him? De ting vat leetil chile have?" "Contrariness," said Victor. "Contradictiousness," suggested Ian; "they're both good long words, after your own heart." "Non, non! Con convulsions, dat is it. Anyhow it vould injure his digestiveness."

I have lent your good moder's corkscrew." "I shall be pleased to send Ebenezer a little present, but I can't come, I really can't. You must excuse me." Daniel turned away. "Vell," said Sugarman, anxious to assure him he bore no malice. "If you send a present I reckon it de same as if you come." "That's all right," said Daniel with strained heartiness.