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He carried on his head, as a fishwife carries a tray of ormers, a basket full of flagons of muscadella; and he did not lower the basket when he was shown into the room where the Seigneur of Rozel was sitting before a trencher of spiced veal and a great pot of ale.

Soak overnight in cold water; next morning place it in cold water, and simmer till quite tender, reckoning one-half hour to the pound. The shoulder and breast of veal are best for roasting. Always buy veal that is fat and white. Prepare for the oven in the following manner: Wash and then dry; rub it well with salt, a very little ground ginger, and dredge it well with flour.

"Beef!" said his companion, screwing a pinchbeck glass into his right eye. "Beef, mottled, covey; humph! Lamb, oldish, ravish, muttony; humph! Pie, stalish. Veal? no, pork. Ah! what will you have?"

Here's a sausage pasty and a handful of nuts for my share. Bring round a hat, Bob, and see what the company will give." Bob carried out the joke, much to little Franky's amusement; and no one was so churlish as to refuse, although the contributions varied from a peppermint drop up to a veal pie and a sausage pasty.

Veal Cutlets

VEAL GRAVY. Make it as for cullis; but leave out the spices, herbs, and flour. It should be drawn very slowly; and if for white dishes, the meat should not be browned. VEAL LARDED. Take off the under bone of a neck of veal, and leave only a part of the long bones on. Trim it neatly, lard and roast it gently with a veal caul over it.

Cut some asparagus, or sprew, into half inch lengths, wash them, and throw them into half a pint of gravy made from beef, veal, or mutton thickened, and seasoned with salt, white pepper, and a lump of white sugar, the chops should be delicately fried and the sauce served in the centre of the dish.

Chop cooked veal to a fine mince; butter a baking-dish and put alternate layers of veal, rice and tomato-sauce until dish is full. Cover over with fine bread-crumbs; pour over some melted butter and let bake in the oven until brown. Serve with French peas. Parisian Chicken. Clean and season 2 spring chickens. Put them in a saucepan with 3 tablespoonfuls of butter; cover and let simmer until brown.

VEAL PORCUPINE. Bone a fine large breast of veal, and rub it over with the yolks of two eggs. Spread it out, and lay on it a few slices of bacon, cut as thin as possible. Add a handful of parsley shred fine, the yolks of five eggs, boiled hard and chopped, and a little lemon peel finely shred.

Is this weather for keeping meat?" "The weather didn't get to this heat till yesterday in the afternoon," said they and Lionel could not deny the fact. Mrs. Dawson took up the word. "Our meat warn't bought at Peckaby's; our meat were got at Clark's, and it were sweet as a nut. 'Twere veal, too, and that's the worst meat for keeping.