United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

You are a brown American. You shall be t'e most beautiful brown American t'at efer lifed. And you shall be first. Vit' you as an example we shall convince t'e vorld. Ve shall accomplish in t'ree generations t'e vork of a hundred t'ousand years of defelopment.

De Croix gave a deep sigh of relief, and rested back upon the cloak, negligently crossing his legs. "Captain," he remarked slowly and thoughtfully, "you 've no idea the trouble that negro is to me. Would you believe it? he actually left my nail-brush behind at Detroit, and not another to be had for love or money this side of Montreal!

We've got ten thousand too many fellows writing already, and they 've seen a few inches of the world, on the Continent! He can write. But it's all unproductive-dead weight on the country, these fellows with their writings! He says Beauchamp's praise of Miss Denham is quite deserved.

'We 're going to him. 'Yes? 'Customs of the sea. 'Tell me. 'He joins hands. We say, "Browny-Matey," and it 's done. She splashed, crying 'Swim, and after two strokes, 'You want to beat me, Matey Weyburn. 'How? 'Not fair! 'Say what. 'Take my breath. But, yes! we'll be happy in our own way. We 're sea- birds. We 've said adieu to land. Not to one another. We shall be friends? 'Always.

But to strike across country from here, there 's plenty o' time in the shortest day, and you can have a good hour or two's visit beside; 't ain't but a very few miles, and it's pretty all the way along. There used to be a few good families over there, but they 've died and scattered, so now she 's far from neighbors.

The boy would hand him a basket; but when his stew was set before him, there warn't no crackers in his box. So ve put him on a allowance of a dozen crackers, which is werry liberal, considerin' as pickles and pepper-sarce is throw'd in gratis.

"What would you give for a letter from home?" said Clinton, when Oscar made his appearance. "I don't know why, have you got one for me?" inquired Oscar, with remarkable coolness. "That's for you, I guess," said Clinton, handing him a letter. "I 've been over to the post-office, and as I happened to see a letter directed to you, I thought I would take it along with me."

"They they may be all right," said the younger girl, but her voice was not very certain. "The the fire must be at the cabin by now," went on Ruth. "If if anything has happened that they were not able to get the flames under control " She, too, did not finish her portentous sentence. "Ve cannot go forvarts," murmured Mr. Switzer, "und ve cannot go back.

"What did he say? the very words, dad," and Kate held up her finger in command. "'Jack, old man, is this really you? he held me at arm's length 'man, div ye mind the jackdaw's nest?" "Did he? And he 's to be our padre. I know I 'll love him at once. Go on, everything, for you 've never told me anything about Drumtochty." "We had a glorious time going over old times.

"Bless my soul! and sure I 've forgot ahl about the letter!" she cried all at once, and away she tramped for the meeting-house. The sexton took the note, which was folded, and said he would hand it up to the pulpit after the sermon, it would not do to interrupt the preacher. The Rev. Mr.