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"Not this one," replied Jane dully. "The other. Where is the other? There must have been two. I did not know about this one." "There vasn't no other kid. Ay tank this ban yours. Ay am very sorry." Anderssen fidgeted about, standing first on one foot and then upon the other. It was perfectly evident to Jane that he was honest in his protestations of ignorance of the true identity of the child.

He is one pad poy, as you ish de wust Injin dot effer vasn't." Without the least visible excitement, and in the same deliberate monotone, Deerfoot still looking him straight in the face: "The father of Otto is a dog; he has no heart. The Great Spirit hides his face with shame when he looks upon him."

"It was very bad, vasn't it, Captain 'Oshspur, having to divide with that fellow Stubber the money from the 'Orse Guards? You vas too clever for both of us there, Mr. 'Oshspur; veren't you now, Captain 'Oshspur? And I've two cheques still on my 'ands which is marked 'No account! 'No account' is very bad. Isn't 'No account' very bad on a cheque, Captain 'Oshspur?

"And had a sort of a catch-look, a kind of a slant in his eye, didn't he?" supplemented Pickert; "and was smooth-shaven and on the whole rather decent-looking chap, just getting on his uppers and not quite. Ain't that it?" "Yes, maybe, I don't recklemember everyting about him. Vell vell ain't dot funny? But he vasn't a dead beat no, I don't tink so. An' he stole it?

It speedily became clear that while the Shawanoe dare not speak, he was trying very hard to convey some message to his friends by means of pantomime. Holding the gun of the Miami in one hand, he kept the other going energetically, but neither Jack nor Otto could guess his meaning. "Speak louder!" called Otto, forgetting himself; "vot vasn't dot dot you didn't say?"

My wife tol' me zuzzer day she saw piece Crown Derby 'n' fainted dead way, 'n' r'fused t' come to f'r half 'n hour. I said I'd give ton er Crown Derby for bashket champagne 'n' she didn't speak to me rester 'zhe week. Jush shows how shum people " "Nein!" "Eh?" "It vasn't shina." "By zhove, you 'rouse my cur'os'ty, Woffski. If 'tain't picshur er piece pottery, wha' deuce is't?" "You shall see."

"I dinks it time dot we vasn't doing the same," said Otto, who, catching the top of the wall with both hands, drew himself upward and peered over. He was gratified with the sight of the two hindmost warriors just vanishing from sight. The whole party were panic-stricken. Otto turned his head to tell the joyful news to his companion, when he saw that he had also drawn himself up beside him.

The animal looked at her, uncertainly, but suddenly he passed a big moist tongue over her face. Could he have realized that her saving grace might avert condign punishment? The girl petted him as Stefan turned the toboggan and its load right side up. "You ain't feared of dem togs," he called to her. "And you vasn't afraid vhen dey dump you out. You's a blucky gal all right, leddy!"

With that the laughter grew louder, and another German, evidently good-naturedly desirous to relieve Walter's embarrassment, spoke, turning as he did so to the first speaker: "Dat vasn't no sign de young shentlemans vas dumb; he don't can't help it; he t'ot dey vas life beoples." "Nefer you mine dose silly fellows, young shentleman, dey doan' know noddings."

Shrig, taking the chair Barnabas proffered, "you didn't 'appen to notice as that theer letter had been broke open and sealed up again, did ye?" "No," said Barnabas, staring at what was left of the seal. "No, o' course you didn't you opened it too quick to notice anything but I did." "Oh, surely not " "That theer letter," said Mr. Shrig impressively, "vas wrote you by a certain lady, vasn't it?"