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It is this construction that makes sharp tuning with these sets possible, by which is meant that all wave lengths are tuned out except the one which the receiving set is tuned for. A Short Wave Regenerative Receiver With One Variometer and Three Variable Condensers. This set also includes a variocoupler and a grid coil.

The parts you need for this set include: one variocoupler; one .001 microfarad variable condenser; one .0005 microfarad variable condenser; one .0007 microfarad variable condenser; one 2 megohm grid leak; one vacuum tube detector; one 6 volt A battery; one 6 ohm, 1-1/2 ampere rheostat; one 200 ohm potentiometer; one 22-1/2 volt B battery; one .001 microfarad fixed condenser, one pair of 2,000 ohm headphones, and a variometer.

This device is quite like the variocoupler, but with these differences: the rotor turns in the stator, which is also the section of a ball, and one end of the primary is connected with one end of the secondary coil. To be really efficient a variometer must have a small resistance and a large inductance as well as a small dielectric loss.

Screw the variocoupler to the middle of the base board or panel, and secure the variometers on either side of it so that the distance between them will be 9 or 10 inches. By so placing them the coupling will be the same on both sides and besides you can shield them from each other easier.

It is this construction that makes sharp tuning with these sets possible, by which is meant that all wave lengths are tuned out except the one which the receiving set is tuned for. A Short Wave Regenerative Receiver With One Variometer and Three Variable Condensers. This set also includes a variocoupler and a grid coil.

Screw the variocoupler to the middle of the base board or panel, and secure the variometers on either side of it so that the distance between them will be 9 or 10 inches. By so placing them the coupling will be the same on both sides and besides you can shield them from each other easier.

When the variocoupler is adjusted for receiving very long waves the rotor sets at right angles to the stator and, since when it is in this position there is no mutual induction between them, the tickler coil serves as a loading coil for the detector plate oscillation circuit.

First connect the free end of the condenser in the aerial to one of the terminals of the stator of the variocoupler; then connect the other terminal of the stator with one of the ends of the bank-wound inductance coil and connect the movable contact of this with the ground.

For this set you require: one variocoupler; two variometers; one .001 microfarad variable condenser; one .0005 microfarad variable condenser; one 2 megohm grid leak resistance; one vacuum tube detector; one 6 volt A battery; one 200 ohm potentiometer; one 22-1/2 volt B battery; one .001 microfarad fixed condenser, and one pair of 2,000 ohm headphones.

A better scheme is to use a loose coupler formed of two or three honeycomb or other compact coils, while a variocoupler or a variometer or two will produce the maximum regenerative action. The Simplest Type of Regenerative Receiving Set. With Loose Coupled Tuning Coil.