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We were received in one camp by two very handsome squaws, mother and daughter, who spoke broken English, and were very neat and clean. The floor was thickly strewn with the young shoots of the var, and we sat down with them for half an hour. The younger squaw, a girl of sixteen, was very handsome and coquettish.

The watch-tower, staring South with neglected windows, faced a broad valley full of the pleasant twilight and the hum of evening things: it saw the fires of wanderers blink from the hills, beyond them the long forest black with pines, one star appearing, and darkness settling slowly down on Var.

"'Twude be a turble gude job var 'ee tu git a yusband. But doan't 'ee make tu shar on 'un, Miss Zairy. 'Un du zay as him be turble vond on yu, and as yu du be playing vast and loose wi' he. That's the ways a young maid du go on, and zo the young man du slip thru' 'un's vingers." "Yes, Jack," said Sarah, with unwonted meekness.

O'Royster said she's 'fraid m' health washn't good 'nuff f' such hic heavy work." "You hear der vorts uf dot shbeaker und you see der faces uf der men. Vat you t'ink it mean? Hey? It mean var upon der reech. It mean Nye Yorick in ashes " "Wha's use? Don't seem t' me s' t' would pay. Of course, ol' f'law, whatever you says, goes. But 't seems t' me " "You can safe all dot var.

Speech by Rousselin, Frimaire 9 Ibid., F.7, 4421. Speech and orders issued by Rousselin, Brumaire 25. Cf.. Albert Babeau, "Histoire de Troyes pendant la Revolution," vol. Prairial 8, year II. Similar orders issued by Albitte and Laporte, for renewing all the authorities of Grenoble. Ibid, AF., II., 135. Similar order of Ricord at Grasse, Pluviose 28, and throughout the Var. Ibid., AF., II., 36.

Such drawbacks are, of course, inevitable, but the ulterior advantage effected by the railway is unquestionable. I should say that nowhere are life and property safer than in these mountain-hemmed valleys. The landlady of the little hotel at St. Martin du Var assured me that she always left her front door open all night.

All the communes in Var, and most of those in this department are against us.... they constitute a race to be destroyed, a country to be colonized anew....

Everyone understood perfectly the discretion of the courtier, and Masséna was overwhelmed by attentions from the Emperor. Although very miserly, the victor of Zurich would have given half his fortune to have been born in the France of the "Ancien Régime" rather than on the left bank of the Var.

Bernard, he left 18,000 men to oppose Suchet on the Var, and hurried back with the remainder to Turin. At the Piedmontese capital he heard that he had to deal with the First Consul; but not until the last day of May did he know that Moncey was forcing the St. Gotthard and threatening Milan.

"And thus you see, Susan," she continued, "Switzerland is, as it were, a great ice-tank, or a series of ice-tanks, in which the ice of ages is accumulated and saved up, so that the melting of a little of it the mere dribbling of it, so to speak is sufficient to cause the continuous flow of innumerable streams and of great rivers, such as the Rhone, and the Rhine, and the Var."