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"I shan't have but two boys, and I shall name the other one for his father," replied Dotty, thoughtfully; "I shall have eight girls, for I like girls very much; and I shall dress them in silk and velvet, with gold rings on their fingers, a great deal handsomer than Jennie Vance's; but they won't be proud a bit.

At the sound of the name of the mentor and friend who had rescued him from so many difficulties, something of guilt mingled with the beatitude on Hilary Vance's face, and he said in a less assured tone: "James is in Scotland."

She turned to Miss Coates. "We haven't hurt you," she pleaded; "we haven't taken your money. I promise you," she cried, "we will never see Mr. Hallowell again. I beg of you " Vance indignantly caught her by the arm and drew her back. "You don't beg nothing of her!" he cried. "I do," Vera answered wildly. She caught Vance's hand in both of hers.

He tried to shield himself from his own mental accusation, which told him that she was right. "What a cursed thing that Mrs. Vance's call was, anyhow," he thought. "Stood right there, and looked me over. I know what she was thinking." He remembered the few times he had seen her in Seventy-eight Street.

Frona broke in, pointing to the tip of an amber mouth-piece which projected from Vance's outside breast-pocket. "A pipe! My congratulations." She held out her hand and he shook good-humoredly. "All Del's fault," he laughed. "When I go before the great white throne, it is he who shall stand forth and be responsible for that particular sin." "An improvement, nevertheless," she argued.

Rilla was heart-broken. Her dress and slippers and hat were ruined and her six year old pride had received terrible bruises. Susan, white with indignation, heard Miss Cornelia's story of Mary Vance's exploit. "Oh, the hussy oh, the littly hussy!" she said, as she carried Rilla away for purification and comfort. "This thing has gone far enough, Anne dearie," said Miss Cornelia resolutely.

"I blundered through the ice, and my feet are freezing." "O Gawd!" in the exuberant tones of the Virgin, came whirling over Vance's shoulder, and the voices of Blanche and Bishop joining in a laugh against Cornell, and that worthy's vociferous protestations. It seemed to him that all the blood of his body had rushed into his face. "But you can't come in, Frona. Don't you hear them?"

"It can't be their money; it can't be!" sighed Mrs. March. "Well, I don't know. We all respect money." "Yes, but Miss Vance's position is so secure. She needn't pay court to those stupid, vulgar people." "Well, let's console ourselves with the belief that she would, if she needed. Such people as the Dryfooses are the raw material of good society.

I'm glad Lionel has won a friend in such a man. Sidney Branthwaite's son married Vance's sister after Vance had won reputation?" "No; while Vance was still a boy. Young Arthur Branthwaite was an orphan. If he had any living relations, they were too poor to assist him. Those villanous critics will have a dark account to render in the next world! Poor Arthur Branthwaite!

Carrie stepped along easily enough after they got out of the car at Thirty-fourth Street, but soon fixed her eyes upon the lovely company which swarmed by and with them as they proceeded. She noticed suddenly that Mrs. Vance's manner had rather stiffened under the gaze of handsome men and elegantly dressed ladies, whose glances were not modified by any rules of propriety.