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The stranger presently opened a valise, took out some food and ate delicately. Then he drew a small silver cup from the same valise, filled it at the drinking stand, drank and returned it to the valise. Without a crumb having fallen on clothing or floor, he resumed his seat and gazed straight before him. Harry's interest in the stranger increased.

It was about half an hour later, when George was becoming a little anxious, that he drew out at last a statement that Mr. Topcliffe had a great valise upstairs, full of papers that had to do with his law business.

She bore no trace now of the seriousness of the night before; all smiles and red-cheeked eagerness, she radiated the very joy of being. "Enter Mrs. Pink!" she cried. She had a brown valise, a fat bundle, a flat, square package wrapped in paper, a coat and a parasol. "You said trunks were taboo," she explained. "I only had one valise and I couldn't nearly get everything in.

Besides, he had not been the only one to hear the harsh words that had been spoken, and in a moment a crowd had collected. "I was in the wreck, and this valise belongs to a friend of mine," replied Richard, as soon as he could collect his thoughts. "What is your name?" asked the official who still held him by the arm. Richard told him. "And who was your friend?" "His name is is "

Then he placed at the bottom of the valise belonging to the young man a small bag of louis, called Olivain, the lackey who had followed him from Blois, and made him pack the valise under his own eyes, watchful to see that everything should be put in which might be useful to a young man entering on his first campaign.

But, very luckily for Uncle Wiggily, his crutch happened to catch across the hole, and so he didn't go all the way down, but hung on. But his valise fell to the bottom. However, he managed to pull himself up on the ground, though his rheumatism hurt him, and soon he was safe once more.

As for the trumpeter, my father had made an arrangement to take him on as lodger, as soon as the boy left; and on the morning fixed for the start, he was up at the door here by five o'clock, with his trumpet slung by his side, and all the rest of his belongings in a small valise.

George's just as he had unlocked and opened it. "Have you any thing to declare?" said the officer. "Nothing, sir," said Mr. George. The officer immediately shut the valise, and marked it on the back with a piece of chalk, and Mr. George locked it and took it away. "Are you through?" asked Rollo. "Yes," said Mr. George. Mr.

With his hooded greatcoat on his back, his valise in his hand, his black wig adjusted, and footing it on the ice with a sort of sober doggedness of manner, my enemy was changed almost beyond recognition: changed in everything but a certain dry, polemical, pedantic air, that spoke of a sedentary occupation and high stools.

"On the journey back to Pittsburg two things happen to you: you lose your clothing, your valise and your papers, including the notes, and you are accused of murder. In fact, Mr. Blakeley, the circumstances were most singular, and the evidence well, almost conclusive." I was completely at her mercy, but I gnawed my lip with irritation. "Now for the bargain." She leaned over and lowered her voice.