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"Sir," I asked him, politely, "may I ask why you are laughing?" "It makes me laugh to see that you do not recognize me." "I have some idea that I have seen you somewhere, but I could not say where or when I had that honour." "Nine years ago, by the orders of the Prince de Lobkowitz, I escorted you to the Gate of Rimini." "You are Baron Vais:" "Precisely."

And to know what art is, is to have an interest for ever, such as no burgess can find in his petty concerns. Tenez, messieurs, je vais vous le dire it is like a religion. Such, making some allowance for the tricks of memory and the inaccuracies of translation, was the profession of faith of M. de Vauversin.

I had a flowered white silk waistcoat, and the man said: "Monsieur est bien beau ce matin; on dirait qu'il va a une noce." I answered: "Vous avez bien devine; en effet, je vais a une noce." It was unnecessary to give him further information. The marriage was a curious little ceremony. My wife's father had friends and acquaintances in the most various classes, who all came to the wedding.

At half-past one I was awakened by a sensation of chill on the forehead it came from my husband's lips he was giving me, as he thought, a last kiss, for he murmured faintly, "J'ai voulu te dire que je t'ai bien aimee, car je crois que je vais mourir." He was deadly pale, but quite collected. I helped him to dress, and we managed to reach the garden for purer air.

J'ai echappe sans doute a un grave danger, j'ai meme eu peur de perdre la raison; mais tout cela est passe; je suis calme et quoique faible encore plus fort. C'est surtout mentalement que je vais mieux, ce qui est le plus essentiel: le corps suivra. Je n'ai pas ose entreprendre le voyage de Todmorden aujourd'hui, mais j'ai l'espoir de pouvoir partir demain.

The Commissary (after a pause): "Eh bien, je vais vous dire ce que vous êtes. Vous êtes allemand el vous venez chanter

This humble patience in an antechamber would appear even undignified in Comedy, but it appears too pitiful even for a second-rate tragical hero. Antiochus says afterwards to the queen: Je me suis tu cinq ans Madame, et vais encore me taire plus long-tems And to give an immediate proof of his intention by his conduct, he repeats after this no less than fifty verses in a breath.

I had reckoned upon surmising them, but Petronio had told them of our meeting, and they were expecting me. I gave a full account of my adventures, but Therese, frightened at the danger that threatened me, and in spite of her love, told me that it was absolutely necessary for me to go to Bologna, as I had been advised by M. Vais, the officer.

Les plus courts plaisirs de ce monde Souvent font les meilleurs amours. Sais-je au moment ou je te quitte Ou m'entraine mon astre errant? Je m'en vais pourtant, ma petite, Bien loin, bien vite, Adieu, Suzon!"

Je me déshabille je fais ma toilette de nuit, monsieur et je vais maintenant m'agenouiller et faire ma prière. Donc bon soir et bonne nuit " And, too low for him to hear even the faintest breathing whisper of her voice "Good-night. I love you with all my heart with all my heart in my own fashion."