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He was excited, he waved his arms: "Bobby, Bobby," he cried, so loudly that two old women in bonnets, crossing the road like a couple of hens turned to look at him. "I'm sorry " Bobby said vaguely, and then slowly recognition came into his eyes. "Peter!" he said in a voice lost in amazement, the colour flooding his cheeks.

Steve Packard, grown irritable here of late, flung the offending book through an open window and got to his feet. "A man's life is what the evil little gods of chance make it, curse them. Or what a fool of a girl tangles and twists it into." He shook himself viciously and went to his door, staring out across the hills vaguely moulded under the stars.

The people of the mansion were so much from home that their existence was almost forgotten, and they were spoken of vaguely as 'on the Continent. There was, in fact, a lack of ready-money, perhaps from the accumulation of settlements, that reduced the nominal income of the head to a tithe of what it should have been.

"I didn't believe it myself till I'd paid my board two weeks and bought a suit of clothes with it," was Tembarom's answer, and he chuckled as he made it. But Tummas did believe it. This, after he had recovered from the shock, became evident. The curiosity in his face intensified itself; his eagerness was even vaguely tinged with something remotely resembling respect.

"What's her name?" "Mrs. Browning. Don't be so rude," said Josephine. "Browning for gravies. Any relation of Robert?" "Oh, yes! You ask my husband," came the slow, plangent voice of Clariss. "You've got a husband, have you?" "Rather! Haven't I, Juley?" "Yes," said Julia, vaguely and wispily. "Yes, dear, you have." "And two fine children," put in Robert. "No! You don't mean it!" said Jim.

Fact is, I got a touch of sun when I was out there" he waved his hand vaguely towards the East "and it gives me a bit of trouble at times. But I'll be all right directly. I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble."

But the law might have been vaguely conceived, and, if absolutely necessary, it might have been roughly formulated, even though no one had ever thought of measuring the different energies of the physical world, even though the concept of energy had not been created.

A suit-case with my evening things had gone astray been carried on in the train, and I had to wait till it was returned." Henshaw stared at him for a moment sharply as though the statement had about it something vaguely suspicious, seemed about to put another question, checked himself, and turned about with a gesture of perplexity. "I don't understand it at all," he muttered.

Her thoughts went away in a vision of all the social possibilities of this wonderful house. From vaguely admiring what she looked at, she began to be critical; this and that could be changed to advantage; this shade of hanging was not harmonious; this light did not fall right. She smiled to think that her husband thought it all done.

She gazed at her brother earnestly, and was about to speak when he looked at his watch and stood up, glancing uneasily down toward the trolley track. It was too late he would be gone so soon like something she had dreamed. "Oh, I liked the name," she said vaguely; adding, "Harry! I wish you could stay longer! There's so much I should like to talk over with you.