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She took it, glanced at it, and uttered so harsh, so terrible, so heart-broken a cry, that several of the guests sprang to their feet. "What is it? What is it?" they asked. She tried to reply, but could not. Her lips parted, she opened her mouth, but no sound came forth. She turned ghastly white under her rouge, and a wild, unnatural light gleamed in her eyes.

The solemn Latin in which those words were uttered fell upon her like winged arrows; she started forward and stood for an instant immovable, horrified by the tenderness to which she had yielded. "Oh, my father, my father, forgive me!" she exclaimed, passionately. "Isabel, Isabel, what is this?" pleaded the young man, astonished at the abrupt change. "Stop!" she said, waving him back.

Varin was beside himself. He trembled with rage; his eyes were bloodshot. "The money....the twenty thousand...." he stammered. "Impossible! I need it myself." "The money!" "Come, be reasonable, and don't get excited. It won't do you any good." Daspry seized his arm so forcibly, that Varin uttered a cry of pain. Daspry continued: "Now, you can go. The air will do you good.

Doris was too much excited and terrified to listen to the royal couple, still she overheard these words uttered by the Emperor in a tone of the utmost decision. "In small matters and where it is fitting I let you have your way; more important things I shall this time, as always, decide by my own judgment my own exclusively."

The monk raised his arms, and the sleeves of his white cowl rose above him like two wings. With uplifted eyes he uttered the imperious formula which breaks the bonds, and the three words, "Ego te absolvo," spoken more distinctly and slowly, fell upon Durtal, who trembled from head to foot.

The cry was repeated by the first lieutenant, and quick almost as the answer of an electric message, the boatswain's whistle uttered the well-known call along the decks. Round came the ship, and when the eyes of those on board were turned to the south, not an indication could be discovered of the ship which had thus far led them in the chase.

Billy turned round with a start, and in doing so fell headlong into the sea. The sailor stood aghast as if paralysed for a moment, then as Billy rose to the surface with outstretched hands and staring eyes, and uttered a yell which was suddenly quenched in a gurgling cry he recovered himself, and hastily threw a coil of rope towards the boy.

"Surely," said the shopkeeper; "wait here a moment until I fetch it," and he went hurriedly through a small door at the back of the shop, leaving the fisherman standing near the window, from which he could see the crowd outside. Suddenly the man uttered an exclamation, and made a dash for the door, nearly upsetting the boy on the threshold.

"Sir," said he, "until I was six years old they used to give me peaches from Oddington House; but one fine day the supply stopped, and I uttered a small howl to my nurse. Old John heard me, and told me Oddington was sold, house, garden, estate, and all." Colonel Clifford snorted. Walter resumed, modestly but firmly: "I was thirteen; I used to fish in a brook that ran near Drayton Park.

It is a much lighter damnation than what they make of the phrase "from Georgia," which I was soon to hear uttered by the lips of the lady. "And so you know about his wedding cake?" "My dear madam, I feel that I shall know about everything." Her gray eyes looked at me quietly for a moment. "That is possible.