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Helium being an evolution of radium and it is expected furthermore that radium will prove to be an evolution of uranium and so there is a constant process as the writer points out of what was formerly called alchemy the transmutation of one metal into another.

I have a message for you. Dara is ready to pay for every ounce of grain and for the ships it was stored in. They'll pay in heavy metals irridium, uranium, that sort of thing." The suave voice fairly curdled. "As if we'd allow anything that was ever on Dara to touch ground here!" "Ah! But there can be sterilization.

I can't make very powerful disintegrating rays yet, but I can break down uranium, which is the easiest of all. Later on I'll be able to disintegrate anything, if I have luck that is, anything except end-products. Then you'll see things fly. But, for the present, just this." He picked up a thin plate of white metal.

A molten afterglow of iridescent saffron shot with incandescent carmine lit up the waters of the Hudson till they glowed like electrified uranium. For a while they both sat silent, looming. "It had to be," she glumped. "Why, why?" he barked. Surely you don't mean because of MONEY?" She shuddered into herself. "Money!" she almost-but-not-quite-moaned. "You might have spared me that!"

Indeed the process of their making is not even now concluded; uranium is the latest and heaviest element so far as we know, but others still more complicated may perhaps be produced in the future. As ages rolled on the condensation increased, and presently the stage of a vast glowing nebula was reached.

But next day, after several hours of excavation among the débris of the smelter, where Pax had extracted his uranium from the pitch blend mined at the cliff, they uncovered eight cylinders of the precious metal weighing about one hundred pounds apiece the fuel of the Flying Ring. Now they were safe. Nay, more: universal space was theirs to traffic in.

Seconds later Walters and Strong stepped inside. "I arrest you for murder, willful destruction of Solar Guard property, and illegal operation of a uranium mine, Quent Miles!" said Walters. The spaceman shrugged and said nothing. Strong bent over the unconscious forms of the two cadets and tried to bring them to, but they failed to respond. "Better leave them alone, Steve," said Walters.

By adding the chlorides of strontian, uranium, potassium, sodium, iron, or copper to the liquid, various effects may be produced, and these bodies will be found to produce the same color on the plate that their flame gives to alcohol. "The honor of this discovery is due to M. Neipce.

The Med Service will hear of your interference!" "Yes," said Calhoun. "I'll report it myself. I have a message for you. Dara is ready to pay for every ounce of grain and for the ships it was stored in. They'll pay in heavy metals, iridium, uranium, that sort of thing." The suave voice fairly curdled. "As if we'd allow anything that was ever on Dara to touch ground here!" "Ah!

"A twentieth of the take," said Shinny. "And that's dirt cheap." "It's robbery," said Loring, "but O.K. We've got no choice!" "Loring, wait a minute!" objected Mason. "One twentieth! Why, that could add up to a million credits!" Shinny's eyes opened wide. "Twenty million! Hey, there hasn't been a uranium strike that big since the old seventeenth moon of Jupiter back in 2294!"