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In many ways, Canada is a hard country, and I'm poor." "Did you think that would count for very much? We are not rich at the Garth." "I seemed to know that if by any chance you loved me, you would not flinch. But there were other things; your upbringing and traditions. I couldn't hope your parents would agree." Then Alice got up with a quiet grace he thought stately and stood facing him.

All the influences about her worked with her own predisposition and against all the traditions of her home and upbringing to deal with the facts of life in an unabashed manner.

The situation was one made to the hand of a master tactician. The time brought forth the man. John A. Macdonald, a young Kingston lawyer of Tory upbringing, or "John A.", as generation after generation affectionately called him, was to prove the greatest leader of men in Canada's annals.

In the face of this discovery, the ghost of an idea, which had haunted Gray Michael's mind more than once during the upbringing of Joan, returned a greater and more pronounced shadow than ever before. The conviction carried truth stamped upon it from the standpoint of his present horrid knowledge.

I don't believe in scientifics for children." "But, my dear Miss Warrick" Mr. Laine was also waiting on his young nephew "suppose your husband does. Surely a man should have some say in the upbringing of his family!" "Father don't." Dorothea leaned forward and selected an olive critically. "Father would let us have anything we want, but he says mother must decide.

He grew to be a tall and comely boy, quick and bright, and inclined to be of a sweet and cheerful disposition. But the school of his upbringing was a hard one. A Jewish child in Morocco might know from his cradle that he was not born a Moor and a Mohammedan. When the boy was eight years old his father married a second wife, his first wife being still alive.

He added gravely: "You must have had an excellent upbringing, young man, to be willing to live among the poverty-stricken people you describe, and to be willing to go so far to help strangers like ourselves." "Eh?" Then Hoddan said enigmatically, "What lessons I shall apply to your affairs, I learned at the knee of my beloved grandfather."

"She would not be eternally apologizing to herself for liking me, anyway," he retorted acrimoniously, as if he found it very hard to forgive Evadna her conscious superiority of race and upbringing. "Squaw." "Oh, I haven't a doubt of that!" Phoebe rose to the defense of her own blood. "I don't know as it's in her to apologize for anything.

"And now he wants me to take her boy and Adam's," she kept saying; "I'll never do such a thing never." She thought that the news of Lily's death was what gave her the strange, bodily hurt that had seized her the news that what she was used to was gone; that she had no sister; that the days of their being together and all the tasks of their upbringing were finished.

Michael's breathless little voice that proclaimed how the contracting parties had originally met over a salmon-fishing incident, why the Guards' Chapel would not be used, why her Aunt Mary had at first opposed the match, how the question of the children's religious upbringing had been compromised, etc., etc., to all whom it might interest and to many whom it might not.