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It was either because being so unused to authorship I had no notion of composition, and was troubled by a tyro tendency to stray from my subject; or because the part played by the flat iron, though important, was small; or because I and my affairs were most chiefly interesting to myself as writer, and my family as readers; or from a combination of all these reasons together, that my tale outgrew its first title and we had to add a second, and call it "Some Passages in the Life of an only Son."

But the King had been so unused to keep a secret from Madame de Maintenon, that he felt himself constrained in attempting to do so now. He confided to her, therefore, the admirable plan of Chamillart.

It was a large room, evidently unused, for the furniture was covered with holland, and there was a mustiness about it which suggested that the windows were seldom opened. As in many old houses, the rooms led not from a passage but into one another, and they walked through many till they came back into the hall. They had all a desolate, uninhabited air.

But he would hardly find Him in idleness. You have drawn such nourishment as you could from joy in your home, from your marriage, your fatherhood, nature, and the fellowmen around you here. There are unused faculties in you that hunger for exercise; that long to be set free to work, to strive, to act. You should take up the barrage on the Besna, Peer. But could you get the contract?

The excited dog, unused to such descents, snatched it up and ran off. Just as he was getting out of shot, Mr. Sponge fired the other barrel at him, causing him to drop the bird and run yelping and howling away. Jog was furious. He stamped, and gasped, and fumed, and wheezed, and seemed like to burst with anger and indignation.

Grey to take the earliest opportunity of escaping from the drawing- room, nor return to it the whole time the visitors stay? No doubt she is unused to society, feels a little awkward in it, but still " "I understand now," interrupted Christian. "Yes, I did this afternoon exactly as she says. I am fully aware of the fact." "And, pray, who was the gentleman to whom you were so very rude?" asked Dr.

The clerk dusted an easy chair and threw open the long unused desk near the window. "We are very glad to see you here, madam," he said. "This room hasn't been used much, as you may observe. Is there anything I can do for you?" She continued her critical survey of the room.

Beresford to the grave had come back, and assembled in the great unused drawing-room to hear the will read. Lady Dighton shivered as she sat by one of the newly-lighted fires, and bending over to Maurice whispered to him, "For heaven's sake keep the house warmer than poor grandpapa used to do." "Used" already! The new life had begun.

His face, from having been normally of a bright red, was now very pale, and his watery blue eyes blinked at the light helplessly like a kitten's, as he lay still on his pillow. Stefanone went away to his occupations at last, and Dalrymple, having cleared away the litter of unused bandages and lint, and set things in order, sat down by the bedside to keep his patient company for a while.

"We'll fit you up a corking laboratory," began Austin cordially; "there is " "You're very good; perhaps you'll all be civil enough to move out of the house if I need more room for bottles and retorts " "Of course, Phil must have his laboratory," insisted Nina. "There's loads of unused room in this big barn only you don't mind being at the top of the house, do you, Phil?"