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There is indeed some evidence that Raymond wished not to condemn the women, but yielded nevertheless to public opinion. Unhappily the neighbors made such an outcry that the women were found guilty and sentenced. This is from a later and somewhat untrustworthy account, but it fits in well with what North says of the case.

But I'm bringing her up and not Rachel Lynde, who'd pick faults in the Angel Gabriel himself if he lived in Avonlea. Just the same, Anne has no business to leave the house like this when I told her she was to stay home this afternoon and look after things. I must say, with all her faults, I never found her disobedient or untrustworthy before and I'm real sorry to find her so now."

He was standing at a little distance from his horses and not moving; he had a gloomy, concentrated expression, as though he were trying to remember something and angry with his untrustworthy memory. When Semyon went up to him and took off his cap, smiling, he said: "I am hastening to Anastasyevka. My daughter's worse again, and they say that there is a new doctor at Anastasyevka."

The movement of its bright colours caught the eye of the Lamb, who went down on all fours instantly and began to pull at the red and blue threads. 'Aggedydaggedygaggedy, murmured the Lamb; 'daggedy ag ag ag! There was a horrible silence. The Lamb the baby, all alone had been wafted away on that untrustworthy carpet, so full of holes and magic. And no one could know where he was.

Although the little craft was untrustworthy, one end having been badly broken, the intrepid man succeeded in paddling his way in it to the opposite bank. Four days and four nights the scout had been running with only an occasional brief respite. Throughout that time he had eaten but one meal.

The hall was filling with a crowd, mostly of the curious, untrustworthy sort, for the work just then lay elsewhere. So Barbara held by, only drawing back with the basket, into an angle of the wide landing. Nobody must seize it heedlessly; things were only laid in lightly, for careful handling.

But we recollect the time when the same dignified scholars who are now insensible to his defects were blind to his merits, and with majestic dulness classed him among the inglorious company of superficial, untrustworthy, brilliant declaimers.

Nor did it strike me that Wali Dad was the man who should have convoyed him across the City, or that Lalun's arms round my neck were put there to hide the money that Nasiban gave to Khem Singh, and that Lalun had used me and my white face as even a better safeguard than Wali Dad who proved himself so untrustworthy.

In the matter of the Seistan frontier dispute with Persia, British arbitration was insolently defied by the latter Power, yet we urged the Ameer to accept the Shah's terms. According to Lord Napier of Magdala, he felt the loss of the once Afghan district of Seistan more keenly than anything else, and thenceforth regarded us as weak and untrustworthy .

Already she had begun to consider them as her not Nigel's black slaves. But that horrid little intelligent, untrustworthy French girl "I have tell the French mees we are goin' to see a temple in the mountains a temple that is wonderful indeed, all full of Rameses. I have tell her we may be late." Mrs. Armine looked sharply into the boy's gentle, shining eyes.