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"And I want to talk to the big business men there. I'm not a miner myself. I mean to put my property on the market." As he said the words it occurred to him unpleasantly how very like McGinty they sounded. But he went on: "I didn't dream of spending so much time up here as I've put in already. I've got to get back to the States." "You had any proposition yet?"

And if anyone came into his room at such moments he was particularly cold, stern, and above all unpleasantly logical. "My dear," Princess Mary entering at such a moment would say, "little Nicholas can't go out today, it's very cold."

The name had a familiar since the events of the last few days, an unpleasantly familiar sound to Hannah, and she gave a little start. "Sylvandale," she repeated; "do you know Sylvandale?" But again her inquiry only provoked increased alarm in the breast of Miss Trevor.

As a further precaution, I kept my man behind me at a distance of about twenty yards. Several times high explosives and shrapnel came unpleasantly near. Presently I came upon a wooden tramway running at right angles to the road. My instructions were to proceed along it until I came to "Signpost Lane."

The day wore away not unpleasantly, but when the gas was lighted and the bride frankly rested her head upon the bridegroom's shoulder, a mighty homesickness swept over Frieda. She could barely choke down her food in the dining-car, and hated a waiter for watching her with a white-toothed smile.

It isn't usual, you know outside the theatrical world, perhaps." I chose to ignore the sneer conveyed by his last sentence. "They may be very heavy sleepers," I tried, fully aware of the inanity of my suggestion. Jervaise laughed unpleasantly, a nasty hoot of derision. "Don't be a damned fool," he said. "The human being isn't born who could sleep through that hullabaloo."

The volcano itself is harmless enough. It smokes unpleasantly now and then, splutters and rumbles as if about to obliterate all creation, but for all its bluster it only manages to spill a trickle or two of fresh lava down its sides just tamely subsides after deluging Leavitt with a shower of cinders and ashes. But Leavitt won't leave it alone.

They were also unpleasantly surprised by the presence of a Jew in the Emperor's box. It was not, however, because he was a Jew, for hatred of the Jews arose much later, after the Crusades. During the first centuries after Christ, Jews were confused with Christians because people believed that the new religion came from Palestine and was a continuation of Mosaism.

"Do you intend, under this view, continuing the search for a will?" Something in the tone of voice touched her unpleasantly. I saw the light in her eyes glow intenser, and her lips arch. "Why not?" she asked, looking at me steadily. I could have given another meaning to my question from the one I intended to convey, had it so pleased me, and thus avoided a probable offence.

In Loder's well-worn, well-brushed tweed suit he felt stranded on his own personality, bereft for the moment of the familiar accessories that helped to cloak deficiencies and keep the wheel of conventionality comfortably rolling. He stood unpleasantly conscious of himself, unable to shape his sensations even in thought.