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Quarrelled no; I dare say she likes him better now than ever she did before." And Saville limped away to the table. Godolphin remained for some time abstracted and thoughtful. At length, just as he was going away, Saville, who, having an unplayable hand and a bad partner, had somewhat lost his interest in the game, looked up and beckoned to him.

Quarrelled no; I dare say she likes him better now than ever she did before." And Saville limped away to the table. Godolphin remained for some time abstracted and thoughtful. At length, just as he was going away, Saville, who, having an unplayable hand and a bad partner, had somewhat lost his interest in the game, looked up and beckoned to him.

Concertmeister, head of second violins, all the heads of the other bodies, swarmed to him, each pointing out the various passages deemed by them either unplayable or unmusical; and, finally, the whole number came to an agreement of scorn regarding one fantastical episode an analysis of Hamlet's yearning to know the mind of his father, and a suggestion of his own indecision and unbalanced mentality.

Poor Wallis used to call him the "human catapult"; Wallis was always trying to find new phrases. The theory first came to Stott when he was practising at the nets. It was a windy morning, and he noticed that several times the balls he bowled swerved in the air. When those swerving balls came they were almost unplayable.

Nine-tenths of painting as we understand it at present extinguished by the competition of these photographs, and the remaining tenth only holding its own against them by dint of extraordinary excellence! Our mistuned and unplayable organs and pianofortes replaced by harmonious instruments, as manageable as barrel organs!

Indeed, so novel were his chords, that at first, many of them were deemed unplayable; but he showed that if his own system of fingering was adopted, they were not only playable, but eminently suited to the character of the instrument. The superior beauty of scattered intervals can be strikingly demonstrated in this way.

He had a dream of giving to lovers of music the last of Beethoven's quartets, which were considered at the time both unplayable and incomprehensible. In the end he planned a series of concerts at which, despite my age I was only fifteen I was to be the regular pianist. He planned to give in addition to these quartets, some of Bach's sonatas and Reber's and Schumann's trios.

Furthermore, the orchestra was very ordinary. There had to be numerous rehearsals which they did not refuse me, but they took advantage of them to spread the report that my music was unplayable. At the last moment the director saw that he had been on the wrong tack and that he might have a success.

Then it was the Navy's turn, and the Navy had to lie on its keel above the boards of the bunker, in order to reach its ball at all, and missed it twice. "Better give it up, old chap," said Major Flint. "Unplayable." "Then see me play it," said Captain Puffin, with a chewing motion of his jaws.

It is the greatest tragedy, the greatest dramatic poem, the greatest book, ever written; so great is it, in fact, so vast in its style, so lofty in its ideal, that to those who have reflected upon it and justly apprehended it, it has become unplayable. As well attempt to score the music of the spheres, or to paint "the fat weed that roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf."