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Oh, who could find the right prenomen and honouring name for such longing! "Bestowing virtue" thus did Zarathustra once name the unnamable. And then it happened also, and verily, it happened for the first time! that his word blessed SELFISHNESS, the wholesome, healthy selfishness, that springeth from the powerful soul:

Women carried certain charms, "fir-cones and snakes and unnamable objects made of paste, to ensure fertility; there was a sacrifice of pigs, who were thrown into a deep cleft of the earth, and their remains afterwards collected and scattered as a charm over the fields."

They left us then, and again we settled about the cockpit; each waiting for one of the others to begin. My own thoughts were like a whirlwind, and my ears strained with listening toward the black Gulf listening for a voice, or the unnamable noise of the gods knew what, that might float to me across the water.

Then upon the father who was not, with all his hardness, devoid of imagination came the wonder of watching a dreamer: what might not be going on within that brain, inaccessible as the most distant star? yea far more inaccessible, for what were gravity and distance compared with difficulties unnamed and unnamable!

Sinking to the very mud-gods, with all his diplomacies, possessions, achievements; and becoming an unnamable object, hidden deep in the Cesspools of the Universe. This I hope to make manifest; this which I long ago discerned for myself, with pleasure, in the physiognomy of Friedrich and his life.

They have not named Him, because Unnamable and beyond thought is He, that First Fount whose Eternity stretches through all Spaces, that First Tone whereby all things hearken and understand. He it is whose limbs make a myriad, myriad Powers, and every Power is a being in itself. The Second Space is that which is called Creator, Father, Word, Source, Mind, Man, Eternal, Infinite.

She fell headlong upon it, encountering in it a large, soft, warm substance that writhed and squirmed, and from which came the sounds that had awakened her. Instantly realizing her situation, she uttered a shriek such as only an unnamable terror can inspire. But hardly had her cry started the echoes in the empty corridor when it was suddenly stifled.

Moreover, it seemed to me, who now saw them for the first time together, that there was an unnamable something an elusive quality of some kind that marked them as belonging to the same world, and that although the girl ignored him she was secretly, and perhaps unknown to herself, drawn by some attribute very deep in her own nature to some quality equally deep in his.

The blue water, the pale, changeable grayish-green of the low island woods, the deeper green of the pines, the unnamable hues of the sky, the sunshine that flooded it all, these were beauty enough; beauty all the more keenly enjoyed because for much of the way it was seen only by glimpses, through vistas of palmetto and live-oak.

Then they accused me of the existence of evil, refusing to see that where there is light there is also darkness, and that darkness is the rival force of the Universe, whence cometh silently the Unnamable Oblivion of Souls.