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PLEURISY. Inflammation of the pleura is most common in horses. It occurs in all farm animals and is frequently unilateral. There are two forms of pleurisy, acute and chronic. Pleuropneumonia is common when the cause is a specific germ. This occurs in tuberculosis, pleuropneumonia of horses and pneumococcus infection.

Quatrefages, the celebrated French scientist, examined him, and said that he could shut off the blood from the right side and then from the left side of the body, which feat he ascribed to unilateral muscular action.

The girl suffered from obstinate constipation, the bowels acting only once a week. The left side flushed more than the right In connection with this case may be mentioned one by White of Harvard, a case of unilateral yellow chromidrosis in a man. Demons gives the history of a case of yellow sweat in a patient with three intestinal calculi.

Rockwell reports a case of unilateral hyperidrosis in a feeble old man which he thought due to organic affection of the cervical sympathetic. Dupont has published an account of a curious case of chronic general hyperidrosis or profuse sweating which lasted upward of six years. The woman thus affected became pregnant during this time and was happily delivered of an infant, which she nursed herself.

Incipient cases of bilateral involvement are more difficult to diagnose than are unilateral affections, particularly when lameness is not marked. There is manifested a supporting-leg-lameness which varies as to degree in the same subject at different times. This may be noticed during the same trip in an animal that is being driven.

"Uh I've never uh never looked into it. I don't believe much in getting mixed up in politics." He turned squarely from her and, peering earnestly at Kennicott, resumed, "Doctor, what's been your experience with unilateral pyelonephritis? Buckburn of Baltimore advocates decapsulation and nephrotomy, but seems to me " Not till after two did they rise.

Following protracted cases of labor in some instances where only a unilateral paralysis exists, walking is performed with difficulty; the subject may be unable to support weight with the affected member and is obliged to hop on the one sound hind leg. In bilateral affections, they are unable to rise.

Parties who are not present together, therefore, can form these contracts by letter, for instance, or by messenger: and they are in their nature bilateral, that is, both parties incur a reciprocal obligation to perform whatever is just and fair, whereas verbal contracts are unilateral, one party being promisee, and the other alone promisor.

Ten years ago, the United States and the Soviet Union made the historic decision to open the strategic arms limitations talks, or SALT. The purpose of SALT, then as now, is not to gain a unilateral advantage for either nation, but to protect the security of both nations, to reverse the costly and dangerous momentum of the nuclear arms race, to preserve a stable balance of nuclear forces, and to demonstrate to a concerned world that we are determined to help preserve the peace.

Since the femoral nerve supplies the quadriceps femoris muscles, it follows that when the psoic portion of this nerve becomes diseased, the stifle loses its support, and in a unilateral involvement when the subject attempts to walk on the affected member, the stifle sinks down for want of support and the leg collapses unless weight is caught up with the other leg.