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Aren't you ashamed to stand there and tell such ungrateful false-hoods. Ma lass, your cheek surprises me. I wonder you can look me in the face." But it would be Mavis, and not Norah, who would look him in the face and she would read the truth there. She would see it staring at her in his shifting eyes, his slack lip, and his weak frown.

His two hands always closed on nothing. The insect escaped him while playing with him, and soon, arrived under the fresh branches, it arose, after throwing into Cousin Benedict's ear, which it touched lightly, the most intense but also the most ironical buzzing of its coleopter wings. "Malediction!" exclaimed Cousin Benedict, a second time. "It escapes me. Ungrateful hexapode!

"I thought it must be right and good but it has only done mischief; and now papa says they are an ungrateful set, and that, if it vexes me, I had better have no more to do with them!" "It does not vex you so much as that, I hope," said Margaret. "Oh, I could not bear that!" said Meta; "but it is so different from what I thought!"

For myself and some glimpses of sunshine this fair world has afforded me, fleeting and passing enough, in all conscience and yet I am not so ungrateful as to repine at my happiness, because it was not permanent, as I am thankful for those bright hours of "Love's young dream," which, if nothing more, are at least delightful souvenirs.

'Madame von Rosen, said he, 'I am neither unconscious nor ungrateful; this is the true continuation of your friendship; but I see that I must disappoint your expectations. You seem to expect from me some effort of resistance; but why should I resist?

Elton?" said Emma in a whisper. "Not at all." "You are ungrateful." "Ungrateful! What do you mean?" Then changing from a frown to a smile "No, do not tell me I do not want to know what you mean. Where is my father? When are we to begin dancing?" Emma could hardly understand him; he seemed in an odd humour. He walked off to find his father, but was quickly back again with both Mr. and Mrs. Weston.

Carlsson is very ungrateful," said Lena. "There are thousands of old people who would give anything to have a nice home and nothing to worry over." "Anybody can talk, but it takes a head to keep silent," said Granny impersonally, quoting another old saw. Then her manner changed abruptly and she turned to Keith effusively. "Give me a kiss! You love your old Granny, don't you?

LIONEL. Thy friends have cast thee off. To thy ungrateful country then dost owe Duty and faith no longer. The false cowards Who sought thy hand, forsake thee in thy need. They for thy honor venture not the fight, But I, against my people and 'gainst thine, Will be thy champion.

She watched him dumbly as he filled his pipe with quiet precision. Finally, as he looked at her again, she spoke. "I don't want to seem over-critical ungrateful, but " her breath came quickly "though you have been so awfully good to me, I can't help feeling that you might have done more for Guy, if if you had been kinder when he went wrong.

Ungrateful henceforth if I prove for the favours vouchsafed me by thee, Still worthier of blame than thyself of honour and reverence I were. Then Mamoun showed me honour and favour and said to me, "O uncle, Abou Ishac and Abbas counselled me to put thee to death."