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It will be seen that if these twelve be multiplied by the six vowels, the number of possible combinations or syllables would be seventy-two, and by adding the vowel sounds, which maybe syllables, the number would be seventy-eight. However, the guttural V, or sound of U in UNG, does not appear as among the combinations, which make seventy-seven. Still his work was not complete.

I tell you he ought to be 'ung. If you was to say to me to-morrow 'Will you 'ang old Gladstone? I'd 'andle the rope. He's a blank robber and a scoundrel, he is. "What's this new man, Lord Churchill, goin' to do? He's a red-hot 'un. He does slip into 'em, and no mistake. He's a coming man, I reckon. I never see such a flow of language as that bit where he called old Gommy a superannuated Pharisee.

"Burned up the old cabin!" moaned the engineer, "an' my Sunday rig-out in my locker, an' my Post Office Savings Bank book sewed up in the pillar o' my bunk, along o' my last week's wages what I 'adn't paid in." "I shouldn't wonder if Government 'ung on to they savings o' yourn," said the stoker, shaking his head. "It's a pity, but you'd invested yours as I 'ave mine," he added.

"As I've never bin in the court, 'cept the time as father tooked me for a treat, to 'ear a murder, which there's no denyin' is as good as a play, 'e bein' 'ung, 'avin' 'it 'is wife over the 'ead with the poker when she weren't lookin', and a-berryin' 'er corpse in a back garding, without even a stone to mark the place, let alone a line from the Psalms and a remuneration of 'er virtues."

Regimental Sarjen' Majer! I shall be an Orficer more like, and walk acrost the crossin' wot you're asweepin', to me Club in bloomin' well Pickerdilly! Yus. This is the days o' ? Demockerycy, me lad. 'Good Lloyd George's golden days' as they sing and steady fellers like me is goin' to ave C'missh'ns an' don' you fergit it! Farver 'ung indeed!" "I'm awf'ly sorry, Corporal, really," apologized Dam.

"Nat, ung, shoot," cried Ebo eagerly; "shoot, shoot, shoot."

In order to ensure her supremacy, she had previously, on the very day of the Emperor's death, caused the succession to be allotted, in utter violation of established custom, to a first cousin, making him heir to the Emperor Hsien Fêng, instead of naming one of a lower generation who, as heir to T`ung Chih, would have been qualified to sacrifice to the spirit of his adopted father.

I 'ung fire for a bit, and then, arter sweeping up for a little while deliberate-like, I put down my broom and stepped aboard to see the skipper, wot was sitting on the cabin skylight purtending to read a newspaper. He put it down when 'e see me, and George and the others, wot 'ad been standing in a little bunch for'ard, came aft and stood looking on.

Madame Gautier opens all our letters, and friendships weren't invented when she was young either. Good-bye." Vernon had to go towards the strong English voice that was filling the hall with its inquiries for "Ung Mossoo ung mossoo Anglay qui avoir certainmong etty icy ce mattan."

"Ung Silas, he done got better; he howlin' arter sompen nother, but 't ain't arter Ung Silas." Upon that identical winter's day, in a back alley of New York, a small crowd of idlers had gathered to witness the performance of the "Man Monkey." A little creature, dressed in tinsel, leaped and capered, keeping time to the grinding of an organ.