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Even then he lingered still, and renewed the interrupted conversation with her, the Venosta joining therein; and so agreeable did he make himself to her Italian tastes by a sort of bitter-sweet wisdom like that of her native proverbs comprising much knowledge of mankind on the unflattering side of humanity in that form of pleasantry which has a latent sentiment of pathos that the Venosta exclaimed, "Surely you must have been brought up in Florence!"

And this attraction affected her morally, producing in her modesties, reticencies of speech, even of thought, and prickings of unflattering self-criticism unknown to her heretofore. Her ultimate purpose might not be virtuous. But undeniably, such is the complexity not to say hypocrisy of the human heart, the prosecution of that purpose developed in her a surprising sensibility of conscience.

In so far as that plan involved an advantage to our own Dominions over the Allies who, equally with them, bore with us the heat and burden of the war, it was as impolitic as it was unjust, and as unflattering as it was impolitic, inasmuch as it assumed that the Dominions wanted a "tip" as a reward for their splendid comradeship.

The third lady of the trio which Glennard's fancy had put to such unflattering uses, was bound by circumstances to support the claims of the other two. This was Mrs. Dresham, the wife of the editor of the Radiator. Mrs.

This was frankness, indeed, a frankness most unflattering to herself, but it served to rouse and brace her jaded nerves. She replied, a little sharply: "If you don't like it you needn't stay. That is, after you've given the matter a good trial, and I have. That's fair for both sides. But hark! There it goes again!"

He saw her look at him in a frightened hesitation; saw, too, that even in the quiver of her alarm she had taken in the unflattering details of his appearance his ordinary business overcoat, the blue silk muffler about his neck, and even the bespattered condition of his rubber shoes.

When the rehearsal ends, I wish you to come directly home and go to sleep; for there will be company here to-day, and it might be rather unflattering to me as guardian, to present my ward to strangers, and imagine their comments on your weary hollow eyes and face as blanched, as 'pale as Seneca's Paulina."

"You'll get no instruction from me after that unflattering speech," retorted Patty, and then luncheon was announced, and the girls sat down at the table reserved for them. They were much interested in their fellow-tourists, and as most of them were socially inclined, Patty and Elise were included in the general conversation.

He thought, when he happened to go into the little town, that people nudged each other significantly as he passed, and made unflattering remarks about him. As a matter of fact, however, no such thing happened. True, there were some who wondered why he remained at home, while all his schoolfellows and friends had volunteered; but many more remembered that he was the son of Dr.

You, Princess Maida you are greatly beloved of your people." "Yes," she said. He nodded. "For that reason they would not like to know you are virtually a captive. And you, Georg Brende really, they are beginning to look on you as a savior to save them from disease and death. It is rather unflattering to me "