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MARTIN: "Remedy for Unemployment," art. in The Survey, 22: 115-117. BOOTH: Pauperism. 285. =The Impulse to Charity.= The first impulse that stirs a person who sees another in want is immediately to relieve the want. This impulse to charity makes public begging profitable.

That meant that the available resources and one of the difficulties of any scheme of unemployment relief is that the resources available are always limited did much more to prevent misery and distress, and went much further towards fulfilling all the objects of an unemployment scheme than would have been possible otherwise.

If manufacturers continue to hold back goods and decline to submit bids when invited as I am informed some are doing in anticipation of higher prices which would follow the end of price controls, we shall inevitably slow down production and create needless unemployment.

While the duties on this small portion, representing only about 12 per cent of our imports, undoubtedly represent the difference between a fair degree of prosperity or marked depression to many of our industries and the difference between good pay and steady work or wide unemployment to many of our wage earners, it is impossible to conceive how other countries or our own importers could be greatly benefited if these duties are reduced.

It believes that individual initiative and private philanthropy will solve them that we ought to repeal many of the things we have done and go back, for instance, to the old gold standard, or stop all this business of old age pensions and unemployment insurance, or repeal the Securities and Exchange Act, or let monopolies thrive unchecked return, in effect, to the kind of government that we had in the twenties.

Can we compete with them by boldly seeking methods of putting idle men and idle capital together and, at the same time, remain within our American way of life, within the Bill of Rights, and within the bounds of what is, from our point of view, civilization itself? We suffer from a great unemployment of capital.

On the contrary, we must make it a national principle that we will not tolerate a large army of unemployed and that we will arrange our national economy to end our present unemployment as soon as we can and then to take wise measures against its return. I do not want to think that it is the destiny of any American to remain permanently on relief rolls.

In our economy, it is a myth that we must choose endlessly between inflation and recession. Together, we build the foundation for a strong economy, with lower inflation, without contriving either a recession with its high unemployment or unworkable, mandatory government controls. In our government, it is a myth that we must choose between compassion and competence.

Interest rates reached a staggering 21.5 percent. There were 8 million unemployed. Late in 1981 we sank into the present recession, largely because continued high interest rates hurt the auto industry and construction. And there was a drop in productivity, and the already high unemployment increased. This time, however, things are different.

But his spirit seemed incurable; every time he calmed down a little, conditions roused him to antagonism again. This time it was the increase of unemployment that touched him. The senseless persecution, moreover, kept him in a state of perpetual irritation.