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On demande a un homme qui vouloit vendre un cheval, "Votre cheval est-il peureux?" "Oh, point du tout," repond-il; "il vient de passer plusieurs nuits tout seul dans son ecurie." Dans une querelle entre un pere et son fils, le pere reprochoit a celui-ci son ingratitude.

Seriously, then, if you are resolved to be tragical, et de me faire une scene, I must submit console myself, and, above all things, take care not to be ridiculous. Your letters, as you desire it so earnestly, and with so much reason, shall be returned by the first safe conveyance; but excuse me if I forbear to restore your souvenirs.

She resembled one of the famous amoureuses of the eighteenth century, who in writing to the man she loved but could not marry, advises him to take a wife to mend his fortunes, and proposes to him various tempting morsels une jeune personne, sixteen, with neither father nor mother, only a brother.

Pour ce qui regarde Mandeville, il nous dit que ce voyageur composa son ouvrage dans les trois langues, Anglaise, Française et Latine. C'est une erreur. J'en ai en ce moment sous les yeux un exemplaire manuscrit de la Bibliothèque nationale, no. 10024 [Footnote: Il y en a dans la même bibliothèque un autre exemplaire noté 7972; mais celui-ci, mutilé, incomplet, trèsdifficile

I am very glad to see you." "Ah, and Ivanushka is here too!" said Prince Andrew, glancing with a smile at the young pilgrim. "Andrew!" said Princess Mary, imploringly. "Il faut que vous sachiez que c'est une femme," * said Prince Andrew to Pierre. "Andrew, au nom de Dieu!" * Princess Mary repeated. * "You must know that this is a woman." * "For heaven's sake."

As a child he had a sort of physical repulsion for outward success: "De l'applaudissement J'entends encor le bruit qui, chose assez étrange, Pour ma pudeur d'enfant était comme une fange Dont le flot me venait toucher; je redoutais Son contact, et parfois, malin, je l'évitais, Affectant la raideur."

I could see that the child was putting on all her little airs to attract his attention; now the long lashes swept the cheeks, now they were raised suddenly, disclosing the unexpected blue eyes: the little moccasined feet must be warmed on the fender, the braids must be swept back with an impatient movement of the hand and shoulder, and now and then there was a coquettish arch of the red lips, less than a pout, what she herself would have called 'une p'tite moue. Our surgeon watched this pantomime unmoved.

It is wonderful and splendid that we treasure, not the truth, but the very gossip about a man who died a thousand years ago. We may say to him, as M. Rostand says to the Austrian Prince: "Dors, ce n'est pas toujours la Légende qui ment: Une rêve est parfois moins trompeur qu'un document."

Tenez, je l'ai vu poser Daniel Webster la sur se plancher, Daniel Webster etait le nom de la grenouille, et lui chanter: Des mouches! Daniel, des mouches! En un clin d'oeil, Daniel avait bondi et saisi une mouche ici sur le comptoir, puis saute de nouveau par terre, ou il restait vraiment a se gratter la tete avec sa patte de derriere, comme s'il n'avait pas eu la moindre idee de sa superiorite.

She is she is une femme, that dog! All that first night when we come away from the ford, she cry, cry in her throat all through the dark, and in the light she look at me with her eyes, so to say: "I know, Raoul! I know what is under the water of Crèvecoeur." M'siu, is a man to stand that from a dog? So the next night I beat her, and in the morning she is gone.