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Reisen, sayss he to me, 'fot iss udt fot you kot? Undt sayss I to him, 'Mr. Richlun, udt iss you! Udt is you fot I kot!" Dr. Sevier stood sphinx-like, and once more Reisen went on. "'Yes, Mr.

"Idt is steel walled, undt dere is a combination lock on der door. Even if dey should kill us all, dey still have a tough nut to crack." The German spoke calmly, and his blond features were absolutely unruffled. No emotion appeared either on the weathered countenances of Coyote Pete or Buck Bradley. The professor's face, though, was ashen, but he uttered never a word.

"You pet we want dot gup, undt we're yust bound to get der same," observed Noodles, who could talk quite as well as any of his mates, but who liked to pretend every now and then, that he could only express himself in "broken English," partly because it pleased him and at the same time amused his mates.

Undt you mus' ugscooce me, Toctor, to callin' on you, ovver I vish you come undt see mine" To the surprise of all, tears gushed from his eyes. "Mine poor vife, Toctor!" He turned to one side, pointed his broad hand toward the floor, and smote his forehead.

"Their sale is slow, of course, but every time you sell one, you ought to get" I was judging by some prices he had charged me "you ought to get two dollars." And I secretly rejoiced for Senda. "I not can afford to sell t'em," he replied, with his back to me. "Why, how so?" "No, it iss t'is kind vhat I can exshange for five, six, maybe seven specimenss fon Ahfrica undt Owstrahlia.

He blew his cheeks out, and rose a half-inch off his heels in recollection of the mighty leap. "Ovver Mr. Richlun sayss, he sayss, 'Kip shtill, Mr. Reisen; undt I kibt shtill." The baker's auditor was gradually drawing him back toward the hospital gate; but he continued speaking: "Py undt py, vun tay, I kot someting to say to Mr. Richlun, yet. Undt I sendts vert to Mr.

"Mark you," I charged him, "your wife must never know a word of this!" "Eh? No" and the next instant the sick woman across the way was filling all his thought: "Mine Gott! she rice oop scaredt in t'e bedt, choost so!" and up he would start. Then as I pressed him down "Mine Gott! I vould not go in, if I dhink she would do dot. Hmm! Hmm! I am sorry! Undt I tidt not t'e mawdt get. "Hmm!

"Make idt tree, undt you will see how I holdt oudt!" proudly boasted the stout boy, who spent half his time mopping his red face; for the day had been a pretty warm one, so Noodles, who had to carry a third again as much weight as any of his companions, thought. "Bully boy!" exclaimed impulsive Seth, "didn't I say they had the sand to do all we tried.

Sadie hung her head. "Dot is idt!" cried the good German woman. "You make your poor mamma tell things to fool you, else you vould sthay avay an' blay. She haf to bribe you to make you help her like you should. Shame! Undt she nodt go to de school like you, undt learn better." "I s'pose that's so," admitted Sadie, more thoughtfully.

But the next morning, when we found him in the burning fever of an unmistakable relapse, he confessed that the German keeper of an eating-stall in the neighboring market, for his hunger's and the Fatherland's sake, had treated him to his "whole pifshtea-ak undt glahss be-eh." He lived only a few days.