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My own experience has not only made me a firm believer in the principle of self-help, but I carry my belief to the extreme length of holding that the poorer a community is the more essential is it to throw it as much as possible on its own resources, in order to develop self-reliance. I recognise, however, the undesirability of too sudden changes of system in these matters.

It was a Jewish wedding, celebrated at the little synagogue behind the Haymarket. I had no acquaintance with anyone concerned in the ceremony, but had dropped in quite casually, having heard that Jewish weddings were picturesque. The one thing that impressed me more than anything else was the decided undesirability of both the bridegroom and the bride.

He said he could not help sympathising with the paternal view, but that was all he would say; he refrained magnificently from abusing Dicky. And we parted mutually more deeply convinced than ever of the undesirability of doing anything rash in the all important direction we had been discussing. As we disembarked at Colico to take the train for Chiavenna, Mrs. Portheris, after seeing that Mr.

Miss Demarest was shown to the one empty room in front, and the mother as being the one less likely to be governed by superstitious fears if it so happened that some rumour of the undesirability of the haunted Number 3 should have reached them to the small closet so hastily prepared for the clerk. Mrs.

Curtenty had, unfortunately, not reckoned with this diurnal phenomenon; he had not thought upon the undesirability of being under compulsion to drive geese by the sole illumination of gas-lamps lighted by Corporation gas. After this disasters multiplied. Dark and the rain had transformed the farce into something else.

My short experience in employment offices had proved to me the undesirability of possessing qualities that impress a would-be employer as too attractive. "Do you have young men callers?" "Do you like 'to go'?" "Do you want to be out late?"

Supposing, moreover, that our knowledge on all these questions were far more advanced than it is, we still should not have attained a position in which we could lay down general propositions regarding the desirability or the undesirability of certain classes of persons procreating.

From what was said last night I gathered the impression that neither of the persons mentioned are likely to shrink from the performance of their duty, however unpleasant it may be; so for this reason I set out to warn you this morning. And it was for reasons connected with this that I ventured to indicate the exceeding undesirability of our being seen together just now."

"I know!" and for a moment Maryllia's fair brows clouded with a shadow of perplexity and annoyance "It is a word that may pass for madness, badness, or any form of social undesirability. But I don't mind! I'm quite aware that Roxmouth, if he cannot marry me, will slander me. It's a way some modern men have of covering their own rejection and defeat.

Haney, that is the end of Professor Jerry Spoopendyke's lecture on the undesirability of America as a place of residence for him. Of course, he don't mind selling his pictures just to enlighten our night of ignorance, but as for going to Sunday-school or keeping the decalogue, that's our job." Humiston had the grace to smile. "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Haney, I have been a fool.