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The restless activity of the folk of the underworld, their methods of communication and points of rendezvous seemed part of a vast system and he was ashamed of his enormous interest in all he saw and heard. The Governor's cool fashion of talking of the world of crime and its denizens almost legitimatized it, made it appear a recognized part of the accepted scheme of things.

This is the literal underworld of the great city, and its sunless streets run literal blood the blood of the babes who cried in vain; the blood from the lungs of the sweatshop workers whose faces are the color of dead Chinese; the blood from the cheeks of the six-dollar-a-week salesgirls in the arc-lighted subcellars.

"Well, let us get busy with the underworld of Japan," Jack said. "I'll bet we find plenty of American sailors with thirsts." On a dark night in Yokohama the houses in the section visited by the boys look very much alike. They are drygoods box affairs, two stories high, with peaked roofs, paper walls and narrow piazzas. All the shops are looking for the American sailor.

By training and tradition they were miles apart, yet the girl who had lived on the edge of the underworld recognized a certain kinship. She liked the thorough way this young woman threw herself into the business of the day.

The Wolf had shown his fangs in deadly enough fashion that morning with a brutal murder, craftily planned, and hellishly executed! And yet the Wolf was quite hopelessly illogical! It was no secret in the underworld that the Wolf and Spider Webb had long worked together, and that the Spider was a close friend of the Wolf.

The pyramid texts introduce us to three important ideas, a curious plurality of the spirit existence, a condition of immortality better than that of the old underworld or Earu, and most important of all, the identification of the king with Osiris according to the terms of the Osiris-Isis legend. In all the older offering formulas it is only the ka spirit which is mentioned.

The spirit beings represented in these personations appear at certain times in the pueblo, dancing before spectators, receiving prayer for needed blessings, as rain and good crops." Powamu and Niman: The katchinas are supposed to come to the earth from the underworld in February and remain until July, when they say farewell.

When I decided to adopt this life, both for my own safety and as the best means of keeping a watch on that man, I knew that I must win the confidence of the underworld, that I must have help, and that in order to obtain that help I must have some excuse for my enmity against the man known as Henry LaSalle.

They mine out the coal, sometimes descending into the earth through pits, or what in your language are called shafts, and sometimes following the stratum of the coal bed into the hill. "This underworld, monsieur this, sunless world, built underneath the mountains, is a section of Europe slipped under the American Republic. The language spoken there is not English.

Muse Finding the Head of Orpheus by Edward Berge-a marble well expressive of gentle grief. Orpheus, sweetest musician of Greek mythology, after failing to recover his beloved Eurydice from the underworld, in his sorrow scorned the Thracian nymphs, who in their anger dismembered him. His head was washed up by the sea and found by the sorrowing Muses. 4.