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The four young people were out by themselves, and though quite capable of finding their way about alone, Lisette's French notions were a trifle shocked at the unchaperoned crowd. But Patty and Elise were so glad to see their friends again that they gave little thought to conventions, and fell to chattering with all their might.

Presently she appeared, traveling bag in hand, and came down to him. "You really want me, Rookie?" she asked him, pausing at the closet door where she had hung her hat and coat. "You want an unattached female, unchaperoned, very much at large?" "I want her," said Raven, "more than anything else I'm likely to get in this frowsy world.

"Rather extraordinary," Percival could not help commenting, "the way young American girls go about alone like that." "Alone? What's the matter with Andy?" "But I mean unchaperoned. Dare say young Black is very good in his way, but he can't be called discreet." "How do you mean?" "Taking your daughter into that nasty mess of Chinamen in the steerage, for instance, to watch them play fan-tan."

She did not seem in the least like other dancers he had met. He had not that feeling of comfortable comradeship with her that a man may feel with most unchaperoned, travelling actresses, no matter how respectable. There was a sense of aloofness, as if she had been a young princess, in spite of her simple and friendly ways.

Honorable men respect her as something that is worth taking care of; men who are not honorable respect her as something with which they dare not be unduly familiar though they account it "smart" to be "hail fellow well met" with the girl who ignorantly goes about unattended, or with other unchaperoned girls, on social occasions.

It must be remembered that Prudence did not live in a sheltered and exclusive city home, where girls are rigidly withheld from all unchaperoned intercourse with young men and old. We know how things are managed in the "best homes" of the big cities, girls are sheltered from innocent open things, and, too often, indulge in really serious amusements on the quiet.

For her daughter there were to be no buggy rides, or concerts, or dances at the invitation of young men; no picnics, free and unchaperoned as the casing air; no sitting on the steps at dusk with callers who never dreamed of asking for her mother; no lingering at the gate with her youthful escort home from the ball nothing of that wild, sweet liberty which once made American girlhood a long rapture.

Cornelia threw him a glance of tragic reproach. "Captain Guest! I'm surpr-iz-ed! How dare you take advantage of my unprotected position, to make such a suggestion? In England young girls nice young girls, do not go about with young gentlemen unchaperoned. I'm shocked at you! I should have believed you would have been more considerate!" "We could start early. I could introduce you to my aunt.

"I think so," agreed Mrs. Evringham, drawing herself up with a fleeting vision of the Ballard place on Mountain Avenue. "But they are not the wealthiest at the start," said Nat. "Is it possible that you are allowing Eloise to ride unchaperoned with a young physician?" Mrs. Evringham did not remark the threatening curves at the corners of the speaker's lips.

"I'm sure it would do you good to walk up to the waterfall with me, Miss O'Neill," urged Elliot. She met a little dubiously the smile that would not stay quite extinguished on his good-looking, boyish face. Why shouldn't she go with him, since it was the American way for unchaperoned youth to enjoy itself naturally? "If they'll fit," the girl answered, eyeing the rubbers.