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For the State is at no time an unchanging organization; it reflects with singular exactness the dominating ideas of its environment. That division into government and subjects which is its main characteristic is here noteworthy for the narrowness of the class from which the government is derived, and the consistent inertia of those over whom it rules.

America will lead by defending liberty and justice because they are right and true and unchanging for all people everywhere. No nation owns these aspirations, and no nation is exempt from them. We have no intention of imposing our culture.

With unchanging, unwilling gaze she examined every detail of that beauty which the Wanderer had so loved, that even when forgotten there was no sight in his eyes for other women. It was indeed such a face as a man would find it hard to forget.

Why, therefore, should not the secret of nature's invariableness be, not passiveness, but rightness? The unchanging uniformity of Nature's course proves her holiness her willing, unvarying obedience to the Divine law. 'The invariableness of Nature bespeaks Holiness as its cause. Which is likelier: 1.

But during the greatest extension of the North-European ice-sheet it is probable that life in London was completely extinct; the metropolitan area did not even vegetate. Snow and snow and snow and snow was then the short sum-total of British scenery. Murray's Guides were rendered quite unnecessary, and penny ices were a drug in the market. England was given up to one unchanging universal winter.

The face was far from faultless; there was no regularity of feature, no perfection of line, nor was there more than a touch of the sweet girlish freshness that gladdens like a morning in May. The features, save for a peremptory turn of mouth and chin, were unremarkable, and the expression was distant, unchanging ... but what was that to him?

Thus, friend, did I repurchase that heroic and unchanging love which exists between my wife and me." "Yes," said the stranger, "Why, that too is very remarkable. But what does it matter now?" " For it is of common report among men that nothing has ever been able to withstand Dom Manuel.

May thy spirit hover round me now, as in life thou wert my guardian angel! Inez, I, too, have suffered, and severely. I have little to anticipate in life, yet I am not desponding as you; my faith in God and his unchanging goodness is unshaken. Let us both so live that we may join my Mary in glory." Inez answered not, but passed her hand wearily across her brow.

He'll be in a fidget till you're getten to bed, I know; so you mun be quiet if you are so bent upon staying up." And quietly, noiselessly, Mary watched the unchanging weathercock through the night.

Look at night along the course of that stately river, how gloriously it seems to mock the passions of them that dwell beside it; Unchanged unchanging all around it quick death, and troubled life; itself smiling up to the grey stars, and singing from its deep heart as it bounds along.