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In the Ursuline Manual I find this assertion: 'The Hail Mary was composed in Heaven, dictated by the Holy Ghost, and delivered to the faithful by the Angel Gabriel! Now, Florry, does not this seem blasphemy, bordering on the absurd? What conscientious, honest, enlightened Christian would unblushingly defend such a declaration?"

Major Vaughan, the husband, had been out in India for years; the only daughter was married to a rich manufacturer at Birmingham, who had a constitutional dislike to mothers-in-law, and as far as possible eschewed their company; while Lawrence, Derrick's twin brother, was for ever getting into scrapes, and was into the bargain the most unblushingly selfish fellow I ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Married belles and married beaux she shunned and detested, regarding them as a disgrace to their families, as a blot upon all noble womanhood and manhood, and as the most dangerous foes to the morality of the community, in which they unblushingly violated hearthstone statutes and the venerable maxims of social decorum.

I get it in my own way. Your writers here tell how the poor live, and that sort of thing. They enter the houses of the poor quite unblushingly, and print their impressions of the poverty-stricken homes. Now, why should the rich man be exempt from a similar investigation? 'In either case it is the work of a spy. 'Yes; but a spy is not a dishonourable person at least, he need not be.

As Whitman himself says: "The messages of great poems to each man and woman are: Come to us on equal terms, only then can you understand us." In the much misunderstood group of poems called "Children of Adam" the poet speaks for the male generative principle, and all the excesses and abuses that grow out of it he unblushingly imputes to himself.

This recognition of the power of suggestion is in many instances taking a most undesirable form, and I commend to your notice, in support of this observation, numerous advertisements in certain classes of magazines many of you must have seen many specimens of that kind offering for a certain sum of money to put you in the way of getting personal influence, mental power, power of suggestion, as the advertisements very unblushingly put it, for any purpose that you may desire.

At length one enterprising young man, with wild visions of a flying wheelman descending the mountain road with lightning-like velocity, comes prominently to the fore, and unblushingly announces that they have been bringing me along the wrong road; and, with something akin to exultation in his gestures, motions for me to turn about and ride back.

Soucin had unwittingly made an arrangement for which Monte could not pay in money. "And my share?" inquired Marjory. "One louis d'or," answered Monte unblushingly. She fumbled in her bag and brought it out the last she had. And Monte, in his reckless joy, handed that over also to Soucin. The man was too bewildered to do more than bow as he might before a prince and princess.

William considered deeply before he spoke, then he said slowly: "The thing what I'm going to do counts whatever time it is." Reluctantly, but as if drawn by a magnet, Mr. Lambkin set off to the President's house. William was in the road. "She told me to tell you," said William unblushingly, "that she was busy to-night, an' would you mind not coming." The tense lines of Mr. Lambkin's face relaxed.

"Did you know that Andrew was a vicious dog?" inquired Tutt. "No!" answered Mrs. Appleboy firmly. "I didn't." O woman! "That is all," declared Tutt with a triumphant smile. "Then," snapped Pepperill, "why did you send for him?" "I was lonely," answered Bashemath unblushingly. "Do you mean to tell this jury that you didn't know that that dog was one of the worst biters in Livornia?"