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The hand that traces these recollections would be the last to aim a blow at the object of her sacred affections; and if in obedience to a more binding obligation, Mr. O'Connell's policy be questioned and condemned, his influencing motive shall be unchallenged and unarraigned.

If after all she should prove cruel to him, would he not have a legitimate grievance, a heavy charge to fling against her maiden gentleness? He trampled on the notion. Let her do with him as she would, she would be his saint always, unquestioned, unarraigned. But with such a memory in his mind it was impossible that any man, least of all a man of Elsmere's temperament, could be very hopeless.

Soon followed the strange procedure resulting in the release of these two murderous villains, while their intended victim, who had confessed, still remains unarraigned behind prison bars. Such cumulative perversities of fate bewilder the Laniers. They daily become more perplexed.

If after all she should prove cruel to him, would he not have a legitimate grievance, a heavy charge to fling against her maiden gentleness? He trampled on the notion. Let her do with him as she would, she would be his saint always, unquestioned, unarraigned. But with such a memory in his mind it was impossible that any man, least of all a man of Elsmere's temperament, could be very hopeless.

"You have heard Sara accuse herself," said the girl slowly, dispassionately. "The shock was no greater to you than it was to me. All that she has said is true, and yet I I would so much rather she had left herself unarraigned. We were agreed that I should throw myself on your mercy. Mr. Carroll said that you were fair and just people, that you would not condemn me under the circumstances.