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There was an absence of the usual long series of resolutions, and all were concentrated in the following, presented by Miss Anthony: Whereas, The Fourteenth Article of the Constitution of the United States declares that all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens thereof, and of the State wherein they reside, and as such entitled to the unabridged exercise of the privileges and immunities of citizens, among which are the rights of the elective franchise; therefore

He had "Webster's Unabridged" on the brain, an exasperating form of king's evil. The little dingy slips that emanated freely from the palace press were as indiscriminate as they were quaint. No topic was too sublime or too ignoble for them.

The translation and abridgment of so large a mass of papers, however, must necessarily occupy many years, and it may be long, therefore, before the whole of the correspondence and particularly that portion of it relating to the epoch occupied by these volumes sees the light. It was, therefore, of the greatest importance for me to see the documents themselves unabridged and untranslated.

Then, when the unabridged is attacked later, the essentials will be familiar, and the mind freer to attack the somewhat complex problems of arrangement and added information, e.g., synonyms, quotations, etc. After proper care of books, and the use of an ordinary book, and the use of a simple reference book, the next natural step is to the use of the public library.

You would have thought he had never had a brother or a sweetheart or an enemy on earth. There are some subjects too big even for the words in the "Unabridged." Knowing this phase of the feud code, but not having practised it sufficiently, I overdid the thing by telling some slightly funny anecdotes. Sam laughed at exactly the right place laughed with his mouth.

I had the Unabridged, and I was ciphering around in the back end, hoping I might tree her among the pictures. But it's a very old edition." "Why, my friend, they wouldn't have a picture of it in even the latest e My dear sir, I beg your pardon, I mean no harm in the world, but you do not look as as intelligent as I had expected you would. No harm I mean no harm at all." "Oh, don't mention it!

He did not meditate inflicting personal violence on the hated wretch who had snatched away Helen from his hopes no, personal violence could produce suffering but feeble compared with that under which the victim would writhe as Guzzy poured forth the torrent of scornful invective which he had compiled from the memories of his bilious brain and the pages of his "Webster Unabridged."

"Poor Sarah!" said Nurse Lucy, wiping tears of merriment from her eyes. "What did she say?" "I can't tell ye what she said," replied the farmer. "What did your old cat say when Spot caught hold of her tail the other day? An' yet there was language enough in what Sary said. I tell ye the hull dictionary was flyin' round that room for about ten minutes, Webster's Unabridged, an' nothin' less.

In Harper's Fourth Reader, edition of 1888, I found an article entitled The Difference Between the Plants and Animals. It takes up several pages and includes some of the fanciest language the senior Mr. Harper could disinter from the Unabridged.

The best I can do for you is to promise that we will publish unabridged any comments you may have to make upon the matter, on the following day." "I have always understood that there is such a thing as a journalistic conscience," Tallente persisted. "Can you tell me what possible justification you can find for making use of stolen material?"