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I should choose the Unabridged Dictionary, not only because it is big, but because it is mentally filling. One has the sense of rude plenty such as one gets from looking at the huge wheat elevators in Minneapolis. Here are the harvests of innumerable fields stored up in little space.

Fetch on the fellah that makes them long words! he said, and planted a straight hit with the right fist in the concave palm of the left hand with a click like a cup and ball. You small boy there, hurry up that "Webster's Unabridged!"

To describe and analyze each report, or even the unknowns, would require a book the size of an unabridged dictionary, so I am covering only the best and most representative cases. One day in mid-June, Colonel Dunn called me. He was leaving for Washington and he wanted me to come in the next day to give a briefing at a meeting. By this time I was taking these briefings as a matter of course.

The Constitution, it will be noticed, constantly alludes to future organic laws, that are to carry out the glosses, and are intended to regulate the enjoyment of these unabridged freedoms, to the end that they collide neither with one another nor with the public safety.

The translation and abridgment of so large a mass of papers, however, must necessarily occupy many years, and it may be long, therefore, before the whole of the correspondence and particularly that portion of it relating to the epoch occupied by these volumes sees the light. It was, therefore, of the greatest importance for me to see the documents themselves unabridged and untranslated.

Other details of the incident have been tactfully extracted by Kitty and myself chiefly Kitty, I must confess from the principals themselves, and the whole is now offered to the public, unabridged, with marginal comments, for the first time. On entering the little room on the landing Dolly dropped on to a shabby but comfortable old sofa behind the door, and said, with a contented sigh

As for the music, the only criticism we have to pass upon it is that it changes its subject too often; in this particular it resembles the dictionary, in fact, we believe "Die Walküre" can be termed the Webster's Unabridged of musical language. Herr Wagner has his own way of doing business.

Our room was on the lower floor, facing the plaza, and when we had got our bed, a small table, two chairs, the government fire-proof safe, and the Unabridged Dictionary into it, there was still room enough left for a visitor may be two, but not without straining the walls.

Every time we avalanched from one end of the stage to the other, the Unabridged Dictionary would come too; and every time it came it damaged somebody. One trip it "barked" the Secretary's elbow; the next trip it hurt me in the stomach, and the third it tilted Bemis's nose up till he could look down his nostrils he said.

Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co. Compared with "Webster's Unabridged" or "Worcester's Quarto," this little pinch of words would make "small show." It is, however, a very valuable pocket-companion; for, to use the author's own phrase, it "omits what everybody knows, contains what everybody wants to know and cannot readily find."