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"Un'ealthy fat, p'r'aps," said Mr. Dowson, hurriedly; "don't get enough exercise, I s'pose." "Anybody who didn't know you, Joe Dowson," said his wife, fiercely, "would think you was doing it a purpose." "Doing wot?" inquired Mr. Dowson, removing his pipe and regarding her open-mouthed. "I only said " "I know what you said," retorted his wife.

He went off to sleep with the smile still on 'is lips, and when Peter and Ginger came in soon arter closing time and 'e woke up and asked them where they'd been, 'e was still smiling. "I didn't 'ave the pleasure o' seeing you at Mrs. Finch's to-night," he ses. "No," ses Ginger, very short. "We got tired of it." "So un'ealthy sitting in that stuffy little room every evening," ses Peter.

The cook was rapidly becoming more and more friendly, "and the housemaid is called Geraldine, for which 'eaven forgives her parents, she bein' spotty and un'ealthy and by no means a Bow-Bell's 'eroine, which 'er name makes you think of.

"Getting quite fat, she is." "That's right," said Mrs. Dowson, violently, "that's right! The moment I say something you go and try and upset it." "Un'ealthy fat, p'r'aps," said Mr. Dowson, hurriedly; "don't get enough exercise, I s'pose." "Anybody who didn't know you, Joe Dowson," said his wife, fiercely, "would think you was doing it a purpose." "Doing wot?" inquired Mr.