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He'll have to be stopped, and I'll have to make some sort of explanation." "What's an American doing in Sialpore?" "Prospecting. Has a contract with Gungadhura." "Um-m-m! We'll have Standard Oil in next! Better point out to Utirupa that contracts with foreigner's aren't regarded cordially." "That's easily done," said Samson. "Utirupa is nothing if not anxious to please."

"If I were you, boys," said Mrs Inglis, "I should find something quiet to do indoors, and then you will not be tired before you start in the afternoon." "Ah," said the Squire, "have a look at your lessons. You have not touched them all through the holidays." "Oh-h-h Ah-h-h Er-r-r Um-m-m," groaned the boys.

Wot you goin' to call it, if it's a boy?" "John, of course!" said Eleanor. "Um-m-m. Well, I suppose you'll 'ave to, after 'is father, but if I 'ad a son I'd call 'im Perceval. I dunno why! I just would. It sounds nice some'ow. I mean it 'as a nice sound. Only people 'ud call 'im Perce, of course, an' that would be 'orrible. I dessay you're right.

Next thing happens, Blake'll be turning up with a surveying outfit." Knowles scratched his head. "Hum-m-m You sure put up a mighty stiff argument, Kid. I'm not so sure, though.... Um-m-m Strikes me some of your knots might be tighter. First place, there wasn't any play-acting about the way the boy went plumb to pieces there at the waterhole.

It was dry with the fine dust of waste places, and wet with the warm mists of slumbering swamps; it seemed to Gideon to tremble with the songs of birds, the dry murmur of palm leaves, and the almost inaudible whisper of the gray moss that festooned the live-oaks. "Um-m-m," he murmured, apostrophizing it, "yo' 's the right kind o' breeze, yo' is. Yo'-all's healthy."

There were two ways to go about it now, to break the line and leave the hook to its fate, or to crawl out on the log and rescue it. The first was unsportsmanlike, the second was very likely to be dangerous. "Um-m-m!" she muttered, with a grimace. "It's not easy."

"Um-m-m!" the captain growled, and frowned, while the gun crew stood with parted lips, looking as eager as so many boys on the Fifth of November. Then the captain grunted. "There, Mr Rodd," he said, "it will be a bit of practice for the lads, and it won't please you, of course. You don't want to see the gun really fired?" "Oh, I have seen salutes fired, at Plymouth."

"Got a mother, hey?" said she. "Yes." "And a father?" "Yes." "Um-m-m." She puffed and gazed. "You wouldn't like to see 'em shot?" At this Benny stood speechless, and Fanny set up such a cry to go home that Benny was afraid he should have to take her away that is, if the Witch would let him. He began to consider his chances.

"I'm told she has been buying things in the suk* that no Badawi could have use for, and has sent to Jerusalem for goods that could not be obtained here. I want to speak with her. Every one of the sixteen sons instantly assumed an expression of far-away meditation. Ali Baba looked shocked. "I see!" said Grim. "Um-m-m! Well none of my business. But one of you go fetch her to the governorate.

Baxter, as cheerfully as possible, that "we were nearly through with our usual routine of classes for the day, but I should be happy, of course, to repeat any of the recitations which he might care to hear." "Would you?" said he, looking at me not unpleasantly. "Do you really ask me to believe that? um-m-m," he murmured, resuming his stern aspect.