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"Get on board, leddie, with you," said the captain, who had not since my first introduction addressed a single word to me. I clambered up on deck. The boat was hoisted in, the topsails let fall, and the crew, with doleful "Yeo-yo-o's," began working round the windlass, and the Naiad in due time was gliding down the Tyne.

I cannot understand his friendship with the Chinese ambassador." "Can't you?" Ralph answered. "I have been thinking over what you told me, Austen, and I fancy, perhaps, I can give you a hint. Do you know that at the present moment the two most powerful battleships in the world are being built on the Tyne for Brazil?" "I know that," I admitted. "Go on."

One of the most curious sights upon the Tyne is the fleet of hundreds of these black-sailed, black-hulled keels, bringing down at each tide their black cargoes for the ships at anchor in the deep water at Shields and other parts of the river below Newcastle.

Miss Van Tyne stood before him with outstretched hand. He did not notice it, but bowing coldly, said: "Please consider that you have thanked me and let the subject drop." "Do not be so harsh with me," she pleaded. "I cannot help it if you are. Mr. Ackland, you saved my life." "Possibly." "And possibly you think that it is scarcely worth saving."

"The run to Genoa from the Tyne," he said, "takes a fortnight. It was during that voyage that I began to see how I stood with regard to Gladys. I suppose you read Ibsen? I used to, on the Corydon, and one of the most remarkable of his plays, in my opinion, is Love's Comedy. You remember the moral of that play was that a man should never marry a girl he is madly in love with.

Nay, a True Gentleman Black meeting a "Coaley," as we called the charcoal fellows, with so much as a hare, a rabbit, or a pheasant with him, let alone venison, would ofttimes give him a sackful of sore bones to carry as well as a game-bag. No "Coaley" was ever let to slake his thirst at the Stag o' Tyne.

Here in the Alt Stadt stands, noble in its decay the old palace of Könighof, the favourite residence of Charles IV. There is the Tyne or Thein Church, within which Huss, himself but the successor of Milicius and Stiekna, and even Janovius the Parisian, denounced the corruptions of Rome; here the same town-hall, where, by the gallant burghers, the doctrines of the Reformation were first avowed, and within which, after a long and desperate effort to maintain them, they were abjured, not I suspect for ever.

A schooner of considerable size, belonging to Squire Blackett, had, indeed, been chased, off the Norfolk coast, and had escaped only by the fact that it was lightly laden it was returning in ballast to the Tyne and by its superior sailing qualities. Such things brought home to every collier the realities of the situation. George's mother grew alarmed.

Down to the year 1807 it was formed of wooden spars or rails, laid down between the colliery at Wylamwhere old Robert Stephenson had workedand the village of Lemington, some four miles down the Tyne, where the coals were loaded into keels or barges, and floated down past Newcastle, to be shipped for London. Each chaldron-waggon had a man in charge of it, and was originally drawn by one horse.

There, a mile and a half across the harbor, to-day stand miles of modern docks and warehouses, and shipyards and engine-building works, that would do credit to Tyne or Clyde. This addition to Hong Kong is called Kowloon, and it has residential districts that range well into the hinterland.