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so calm, so cool, so repose-breathing, the shrill twitter of the swallow the only sound now heard amid its silence; the fleecy clouds, throwing that rich interior into alternate light and shade, as they sail lazily along the deep blue sky the only moving objects, save the long wreaths of ivy, that, green as the tender buds of spring, tap lightly against the casement, as they are swayed by the impulses of the summer breeze.

'Tis a good job, I reckon, that folks in a street can't read one another's inside. Old Pennefather pulled up in a twitter, tapping his stick on the pavement. What he wanted to say was, "Your partner, Dan'l Leggo, has a cargo for St. Austell Bay. He'll get into trouble there, and I'm responsible for it; but I want you to warn him before 'tis too late."

In the garden, too, all was motionless but the thin jet of water, which danced up from the marble tank with a soft and fitful, but monotonous tinkle, while butterflies, dragonflies, bees, and beetles, whose hum she could not hear, seemed to circle round the flowers without a sound. The birds must be asleep, for not one was to be seen or broke the oppressive stillness by a chirp or a twitter.

"Now, dolly," whispered little Alice, bending down, "'member dat you're so glad Sammy's come back; mustn't say more not a word more." "It is enough for you to know, my darlings," continued Mrs Twitter, "that Sammy has been wandering and has come back." "Listen, Dolly, you hear? Sammy's been wandering an' come back. Dat's 'nuff for you."

The law must be upheld, and I will not suffer the rascal to go unpunished. Whereupon the little bird will twitter again: 'Well and good; 't will serve him right. Only be not too hard on him. And we shall all say the same, and thereupon you will awake." And he tramped down the stair again, and albeit we cried after him, and besought him to tell us more of the matter, he heard us not at all.

As the volume of melody swelled, the canaries waked, and the finches and the linnets in the veranda roof. The tiles of this roof were laid on bundles of tule reeds, in which the linnets delighted to build their nests. The roof was alive with them, scores and scores, nay hundreds, tame as chickens; their tiny shrill twitter was like the tuning of myriads of violins.

The SPIRIT of its utterance was always clear and pure and crisp and cheery as the twitter of a bird, and yet forever ran an undercadence through it like a low-pleading prayer. Half garrulously, and like a shallow brook might brawl across a shelvy bottom, the rhythmic little changeling thus began: "I'm thist a little crippled boy, an' never goin' to grow An' git a great big man at all!

Then, bending backward, she nearly touched the floor, swung round, still bending, and showed the long curve of her bare throat to the stranger, while the girls, huddled on the bench by the musicians, suddenly roused themselves and joined their voices in a shrill and prolonged twitter. The Arabs did not smile, but the deepness of their attention seemed to increase like a cloud growing darker.

"What is the matter, Miss Duran?" Suspecting very little was the matter, for Susan was nothing, if not all of a twitter. "Constance has been carried off!" "Carried off!" He regarded her as if he thought she had lost her senses. "Yes; abducted!" "Abducted! By whom?" "I I did not see his face!" she gasped. "And it is all my fault! I asked her to take a walk! Oh, what shall I do?"

Dick noted this and put in an artful touch or two. 'Jacky-Jacky, the faithful black boy, he said; 'brave as a lion, an' the best shot in the world better'n me! The ruse was not successful. Ted failed to respond. 'Twitter don't seem to want to be no black boy, said Phil. 'I'll be Jacky-Jacky, volunteered Peterson eagerly.