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Willow, and thence on into the smaller room where Lieutenant-Commander Stearns sat reading. "Oh, good evening, Willow," hailed Lieut. Stearns heartily. "Good evening, Stearns," was the almost moody reply. "Sit down and let's have a chat I'm glad to see you," urged Lieutenant-Commander Stearns. Mr. Stearns, he of the round, jovial face, gazed at his junior with twinkling eyes.

Overhead, in the darkening ether, the stars were twinkling out one by one; while away to windward the sky, already nearly as dark as it would be that night, was thickly powdered with a million glittering points.

And leaning from the skiff, he took the sword from the hand, which forthwith vanished, and immediately thereafter the skiff bore him back to land. Arthur drew from its scabbard the mighty sword, wondering the while at the marvel of its workmanship, for the hilt shone with the light of many twinkling gems diamond and topaz and emerald, and many another whose names none know.

At one point a band of young roughs at the back made a disturbance, but their neighbors had the offenders quelled and out in a twinkling, and the room cried out for a repetition of the sentences which had been lost in the noise.

Looking toward the town they could see torches moving to and fro across the valley, and twinkling through the leafy avenues of the plantation. Their old enemy, the dog, began to howl again, but a rifle-shot speedily cut his career short.

The Irishman grinned and the young woman on the horse, with a little laugh, said: "All the same I don't think I would like you for a boss, Uncle Pat. You're too too emphatic." And the big Irishman with twinkling eyes retorted: "Sure av ye was boss av a gang ye wud break more hearts wid yer swate face than I could heads wid me two hands." Which retort effectually closed the incident.

The Lyre, the Swan, the Eagle, the Crown and Booetes, Auriga, the Hyades and the Pleiades, and among the Winter constellations, Orion; all these twinkling groups, that human eyes have sought for thousands of years, became distant friends of mine, too.

The nightly expectation of this aerial bonfire possesses an extraordinary fascination for the stranger. Some times the lurid glare is continuous; at other times there are long intervals of waiting, and even then the reflected light is very faint, a mere speck of reddish glow in the surrounding blackness, gone in the twinkling of an eye.

"Yes," answered the Tall One, "but the one with the sharp eyes must go with me, that we may destroy the rock." Then the Tall One took the one with bandaged eyes on his back, and in the twinkling of an eye they were on the enchanted rock. The Tall One immediately took the bandage from the other's eyes, and he did but look round, and the rock shivered into a thousand pieces.

He was a little out of breath. "Why did you not " Then he stopped abruptly, his mouth remaining open. He found himself surrounded by a group of grim, silent mutes, with arms in their hands; and in a twinkling it flashed into his mind that these were the eleven chiefs of the Girondins, whom he had been warned to keep watch for, and to take. He had come to catch a pigeon and had caught a crow.