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Tertius stepped across the threshold, and his spectacled eyes twinkled as their glance fell on the bag which the visitor carried so gingerly. "Hullo, Tertius!" exclaimed the big man, in a deep, rich voice. "What have you got there? Specimens?" Mr. Tertius looked round for a quite empty space on the adjacent bench, and at last seeing one, set his bag down upon it, and sighed with relief.

This was the only greeting that passed between them, and Frere sat down, in obedience to a motion of a plump hand that twinkled with rings. The eleven years that had passed since we last saw this woman had dealt gently with her. Her foot was as small and her hand as white as of yore.

A long plume of smoke trailed across the cloudless sky, the water glistened with silvery radiance, and, looking over the wide expanse, he could see dark trees etched faintly on the blue horizon. Ahead, the lights of Three Rivers twinkled among square, black blocks of houses and tall sawmill stacks.

Oliver and Elizabeth approached the graves with a light tread, unheard by the old hunter, whose sunburnt face was working, and whose eyes twinkled as if something impeded their vision. After some little time Natty raised himself slowly from the ground, and said aloud: “Well, well I’m bold to say it’s all right!

"I don't think it's got anything to do with getting old," Mollie broke in irrepressibly, "because I feel just that way about it myself. The more I see, the more I want to see." The woman's eyes twinkled again.

Yes, in the legend of Saint Hippolyte, Jacques de Voragine tells how a priest, tempted by a naked succubus, cast his stole at its head and it suddenly became the corpse of some dead woman whom the Devil had animated to seduce him." "Yes," said Gévingey, whose eyes twinkled. "The Church recognizes succubacy, I grant. But let me speak, and you will see that my observations are not uncalled for.

Darmstetter's shrewd little eyes twinkled with reassuring good-nature. "Vell, vell, ve shall see," said he, wagging his head; "maybe I find some use for you. I vatch you. Maybe I find for you some use t'at you don't expect, eh? Ve shall see." So he walked away, shrugging his shoulders and snapping his fingers and muttering to himself: "Ve shall see; we shall see."

And with nerve and josh like yours, and plenty of money for palm-oil...." His greedy mouth made a grinning red gash in the smug brown face with the fine whiskers of blackish-brown. His cold eyes scintillated and twinkled unspeakable things at the little lady as the train carried him away. Assuredly Van Busch understood women no less thoroughly than his near relative, Bough.

The genealogist at once understood Germain's position, but he would take no mean advantage; he was honourable within his calling. He merely answered "No, sir." "Could you not obtain copies?" "For fifteen louis." "Here they are," replied Lecour, opening his purse and handing over the gold. The genealogist's ruddy face twinkled. "Now," said Germain, "this gentleman of whom you spoke is my relative.

Overhead, in the gnarled branches and leafy boughs were scores of snowy birds, egrets that had chosen the place for a nesting site. Some of them squatted on frail stick platforms; others sat motionless on the tips of the branches. Steady streams were coming and going constantly, resembling giant snowflakes that glistened and twinkled as the white wings fanned the air.