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He instantly swept the ground with his plumed hat and said in his most respectful manner: "General, will you honor us by dining with us? We've just returned from a long ride northward and we've made some captures." Lee caught a twinkle in his eye, and he smiled. "I see no prisoners, General Stuart," he replied, "and I take it that your captures do not mean human beings."

His skin was a curious yellowish brown and his eyes were very black; he rather looked like a Spanish Creole than an Englishman. He had nothing of his brother's quiet manner. Although he was getting old, he walked with a jaunty step; he had a humorous twinkle, and his laugh was careless.

Waddington responded to that obscene twinkle; something reminiscent and anticipating; something mischievous and subtle and delightful, subversive of dignity. It came up in his solemn face and simmered there. Here was Corbett, a thorough-paced man of the world, and he took it for granted that Mrs.

Jack cast his eyes quickly along the row of faces, but failed to catch the movement of a lip, the twinkle of an eye. "You're a funny bloke," Jack went on. "How much will you take for a month in vaudeville?" "He'd make a fine spirit medium," Frank cut in. "Can you make the talk come from behind me?" he added, with a grin. "Of course I can!"

"My father and yours are going to send for my mother and yours! They might be out here with us as well as not. See? They'll be company for Mrs. Motte. She's having a great time, and loves it. If she can stand it, they can and besides, we want 'em." Want 'em? Want his mother! Charley let out a wild whoop, and rushed for his father, who greeted him with a twinkle.

"But Hafiz I'll have to " "Here, Jack," to a passing attendant, "take this kitten to my cabin, and see that the door is shut into the large stateroom, off. Hafiz and Texas are better apart until time has cemented their friendship," he added, with a twinkle, turning again to his daughters.

"I see that you think one thing," said Hoffland, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye; "to wit, that I am very prying." "No; but my thoughts would not interest you, Charles," said Mowbray. And a sigh still more profound agitated his lips and breast. "Suppose you try me," his companion said; "speaking generally, your thoughts do interest me." "Well, I was thinking of a woman," said Mowbray.

He has large, shrewd, humorous gray eyes which twinkle inquiringly from time to time as he looks round through his spectacles at the people about him. It is easy to see that he is of a sociable and possibly simple disposition, anxious to be friendly to all men. Anyone could pick him at once as gregarious in his habits and communicative in his nature, with a quick wit and a ready smile.

The dear mother hugs the children to her heart; outside the twinkle and beaming of the candles makes a short track of light upon the snow; the signal is all a-glow. Will the wanderer return to-night? Where is Bertha? What is this white-armed, loose-haired figure, flying up the path? Her hand is on the door-latch, and as she stands there, wan and panting, she cries, "They come! they come!

It was inhabited by snails, and if accompanied by his grandchildren, he would point to one and tell them the story of the little boy who said: 'Have plummers got leggers, Mother? 'No, sonny. 'Then darned if I haven't been and swallowed a snileybob. And when they skipped and clutched his hand, thinking of the snileybob going down the little boy's 'red lane, his eyes would twinkle.