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Maud laughed delightedly. The whole tension of the situation had been eased for her. More and more she found herself liking George. Yet, deep down in her, she realized with a pang that for him there had been no easing of the situation. She was sad for George. The Plummers of this world she had consigned to what they declared would be perpetual sorrow with scarcely a twinge of regret.

"I seemed to know something told me right through that door that she'd rather I wouldn't. Robert, if the child is homesick, it's a different kind of homesickness." "The Plummer kind," he suggested. The minister was coming to. "Yes, the Plummer kind, I suppose, Plummers are such such PLUMMERY persons, Robert!"

That it would entail an almost endless amount of work did not daunt her: Rebecca Mary was a Plummer, and Plummers were not to be daunted. The long vista of patient hours of trying labor that the plan opened up before her set her blood tingling like a warrior's on the eve of battle. What were long, patient hours to a Plummer? Rebecca Mary girded up her loins and went to meet them.

"Jack isn't hurt yet," said Doctor Hugh, smiling, "and I don't know but digging out Plummers Lane is a man-sized job and one to be proud of. Certainly if you get the streets in passable condition so that we don't have to carry a sick woman through snow drifts to get her to the ambulance which happened last week you'll have the thanks of the doctors if not of the Student Council."

"The Plummers were never afraid to look their duty in the face." "I'm I'm looking at you," groaned Aunt Olivia, climbing painfully back on to her pedestal. "Go ahead and say it. I'm ready only I guess you've forgot how long I've had Rebecca Mary. When you've brought a child up " "I brought her up myself," calmly. "I ought to know.

She tasted no morsel of all the dainties she got together wistfully. At nightfall the second day she began to feel real alarm. She put on her bonnet and went to the minister's. He was rather a new minister, and the Plummers had always required a good deal of time to make acquaintance. But in the present stress of her need Aunt Olivia did not stop to think of that.

"We're going to stick," declared Jack, taking the bottle the doctor held out to him. "If there should ever be a fire down there, with the snow piled over the hydrants and kerosene oil cans mixed up with packing boxes and kindling wood in the front yards, after the happy-go-lucky housekeeping methods followed by Plummers Lane housekeepers, I should say three blocks would go like tinder.

"She's a Plummer," sighed Aunt Olivia, inwardly, unrealizing her own Plummership, as little Rebecca Mary had unrealized hers. Each recognized only the other's. The pity that both must be Plummers! Rebecca Mary stayed out of doors until bedtime. She made but one confidant. "I've done it, Thomas Jefferson," she said, sadly.

Altogether it was not the choicest portion which could fall to the lot of the young snow cleaners. "It's enough to make you want to resign from the dramatic club!" exclaimed Kenneth Vail, who, in common with the other boys, labored under no delusion that chance fortune had sent them to Plummers Lane.

As soon as his "gang" was fitted out with snow shovels, he marched them away in the wake of one of the lumbering wagons that was to carry the snow off to a vacant field on the outskirts of the town. "What did we draw, Jack?" asked Norman Cox curiously. "Plummers Lane," said Jack laconically. Plummers Lane, was the nearest approach to a "slumming section" that Eastshore possessed.