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"I must go back," said Beltane, loosening sword in scabbard, "for needs must I this night have word with Gui of Allerdale." "Nay," whispered the friar, with pleading hand on Beltane's arm, "'tis thing impossible " "Yet must I try, good brother " "Ah, dear my son, 'twill be thy death "

As to his Purpose, 'twill serve altogether as well, whether this bloody Battle be fought between the Cranes and Pygmæan Men, or the Cranes and Apes, which from their Stature he calls Pygmies, and from their shape Men; provided that when the Cranes go to engage, they make a mighty terrible noise, and clang enough to fright these little Wights their mortal Enemies.

"Let us go down-stairs. 'Tis planned to have all of the women and children come here, as this is the largest house, and 'twill give comfort to be together. If some of us remain calm it will help to quiet the others. You can aid greatly in this." So the Quakeresses went down among the assembled women, and, by assisting to quiet the children, helped Mrs.

This watch my father did on me bestow, A golden one it is, but 'twill not go, Unless it be at an uncertainty: But as good none as one to tell a lie. When 'tis high day my hand will stand at nine; I think there's no man's watch so bad as mine. Sometimes 'tis sullen, 'twill not go at all, And yet 'twas never broke nor had a fall. Watchmaker.

Only stand aside, and let others do the acting. 'Twill be easy enough. But give your consent to my bringing a pack of our Paraguayan wolves to this fold your father has so carefully shepherded, and I'll answer for sorting out the sheep we want to take, and leaving the lamb you wish left.

"What is it, Bill Crago?" for they read in his excited gestures that he had real news. "The fun o' the fair, boys! Two ships'-cap'ns offering to plough for a pound a side if you ever!" "Drunk!" suggested somebody. "What's the odds if they be? 'Twill be all the better fun," answered Mr Crago. "No far's one can tell they're dead sober. Come along and listen " He hurried back and they after him.

"That's all, so far, but I can get more. Buckner likes me." The old man's passing amusement was gone, and his indignation returned with full force. "P'r'aps ye can git th' likin's iv a man who says me Misther Robert's wife ain't his wife, but 'twill be healthier f'r ye if ye gits th' likin's iv Misther Robert himself.

"Then, not to arouse suspicion, to-night at eleven thou wilt come to the sun-dial and I will meet thee at the foot of the stair that leads from thy chamber to the terrace, and then 'twill be soon over and thou, thou, Katherine, will be wife. Wilt not regret it, art sure?" he repeated as she shook her head negatively. "But why do all men appear in such haste to wed?

"Oh, I'm not so old but what I don't know two turtle doves. He! he! To kiss over yer father's blood! Lawks! what a match 'twill be! He! he!" Still laughing hoarsely, Mrs. Kebby, in the midst of her unholy joy, was pushed out of the door by Lucian, who immediately afterwards turned to see if Diana had overheard her ill-chosen and ominous words.

"So," says I, "a stroke means endearments. Otherwise 't is difficult to conclude these sentimental letters." "Madam," she broke out, "it means more than tongue can tell. And since you still doubt, have the condescension to read this letter of my own which he returned to me in rebuke. 'Twill show you our terms." Cad, you are good beyond expression.