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"Well," she concluded as they approached the tea-table, "my thanks are yours, even if you don't value them." "What do you expect me to say?" he asked, regarding her with some amusement and appreciation. She was alluringly pretty in her rather elaborate light dress. "Yes," she smiled mockingly, disregarding his question; "these things become me better than the tweeds, don't they?

For winter, there are droguets, reps in worsted and in silk, merinos, tweeds, linseys, and velveteens. We do not mention silk, because it is universally acknowledged that there is nothing so well suited to all seasons. It looks better than anything else, is the pleasantest to wear, and may be procured of almost any substance.

There he was in his brown Harris tweeds and soft slouch hat with such an atmosphere of health and sweep of winds about him as almost took away my breath. "Helloa!" he cried, and I am sure his eyes brightened at the sight of me for they were like the sea when the sun shines on it. "You're better, aren't you?" he said. "No need to ask that, though the colour in your face is wonderful."

The pose was that of a Gainsborough portrait she had dressed the part as closely as modern dress would allow. Sir Francis was leaning back in an easy-chair with one leg crossed squarely over the other knee, and in spite of country tweeds and Homburg hat, he was somehow well within the picture.

He was the most worldly of the masters; he dined out more frequently than any of the others, and the society he kept was not so exclusively clerical. The boys looked upon him as rather a dog. He left off his clerical attire during the holidays and had been seen in Switzerland in gay tweeds.

Though, it may be that on planes of which he knew nothing, long since it had been decided for him. None the less it hurt. It hurt horribly. From a pocket, he drew a little bottle. "Settle it then." "On what basis?" "All and be damned to her." But now the menthe that he had raised to his lips was trickling from the bottle, staining his tweeds. He hiccoughed, gasped, motioned.

I beheld a man in tweeds, of an incomparable languor of demeanour, and carrying a cane with genteel effort. From the name, I had looked to find a sort of Viking and young ruler of the battle and the tempest; and I was the more disappointed, and not a little alarmed, to come face to face with this impracticable type.

In his unconscious arrogance he imagined that the distinction of being a Hewish of Roscarna was sufficient in itself to make her independant of externals, and, as he proposed no alterations she trusted his judgment and they went to the Horse Show together in their ill-cut tweeds. Gabrielle was entranced by the jumping.

But all, Lilla thought, looked assured either of its persistence or its recurrence. Amid them she felt as isolate as a ghost. The men approached them with confident smiles, long limbed, with leisurely and supple movements, smart in their heavy tweeds or riding breeches that suggested habits of strenuous exertion.

I accordingly murmured my sympathy discreetly and set about preparations for my journey. Feeling instinctively that Cousin Egbert would not now be dressing for dinner, I omitted evening clothes from my box, including only a morning-suit and one of form-fitting tweeds which I fancied would do me well enough.