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It made Elephant want to bow down before her, and this he promptly did. It was fortunate that Tweaty could fly, but unfortunate that Nibbles could not. Tweaty zoomed into the air without mishap as soon as Elephant's head went down in his bow. Nibbles, however, was thrust through the air by the impact of Elephant's exuberant show of subjection.

"You look like me, only smaller and oranger!" "Yeah," said Tweaty. "I guess I do. But I'm not sure this is going to work on the Forest Monster. If you were to change him into another sentient animal, he'd just go back and do it all over again. You must turn him into something inanimate. But please, this is very uncomfortable.

"That sounds reasonable to me," said Tweaty. "Me, too," said Queen Ozma. "I certainly don't wear the same clothes to a meeting with a foreign dignitary as I would wear while playing marbles with Jellia Jamb." "Certainly not!" agreed Nibbles. "If only my father had thought that way," sighed Rube's shadow. "But he just scoffed. 'Do ballplayers get paid? he'd ask. "'Yes, I told him.

"It seems that there is a terrible monster that is threatening our fine forest," she began. "A very large spider-like creature." "Sounds beastly!" shuddered the light bulb. "And he can sap away the energy from any living creature and render him an empty shell of himself," added Tweaty. "My!" said Watts. "That does sound like a problem! Is there anything I can do to help?

If this young lady felt any doubt that Ozma was indeed a queen, she did not let on. Indeed, she seemed unconcerned as to the identity of her queen. "But I shall tell you that the Gilligoggs are the only people in this region. We are all that is here. Well, unless you count the Droffs. But you could not be looking for the Droffs. They are so far beneath your station." "Oh, no," sighed Tweaty.

"You're back! And you have brought an army with you!" "Hello, Mr. President," said the Sniffer messenger. "This is Queen Ozma of Oz and with her are Elephant, Lisa, Hootsey, Tweaty and Nibbles from the Lunechien Forest of Oz. I have told them of our plight, and they have come to try and help." "And not a moment too soon," said President Schnozzle. "The Stinkfoots have sent me another letter.

"How about Glinda?" suggested Tweaty, who was still in the form of a small orange pachyderm. "She's a Good Witch, you know. Wouldn't she have one of those Mars things?" "An Anmars," corrected Ozma. "Yes, I'm sure she would. But the last I heard from her, she was going to visit some place that was having a drought and try to correct it. A place called Yoraitia. I do not know where it is."

"Might I inquire as to your name?" questioned Tweaty, rather timidly. "Why yes," came the simple reply. "My name is Richard Marquard. Please, just call me Rube." "Sounds like a backwoodsy hillbilly name to me," said Elephant, intending his words to sound like friendly teasing. "Ha ha!" laughed Rube, equally friendly.

"Chilepepperland is beyond the great desert," answered Tweaty, "in a very remote region which is surrounded by impenetrable terrain composed of jagged rocks. There is only one narrow passageway which twists and turns every which way through the rocks. The sides of the passageway are quite sheer.

"Good riddance, I say!" spoke Nibbles. "That big old thing was ugly! And it smelled awful!" "Where's Fisher?" asked Elephant. "I think the thingy ate her up after all." "I sure hope not!" "I'm fine," came the feline meow. "Is that beast gone away yet?" "It has," answered the pachyderm. Oddly, neither Nibbles nor Tweaty felt the slightest tinge of fear at the sight of the cat.