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'Ballplayers are no good, and they never will be any good. It was very frustrating. He would usually end the argument by slamming the door and going outside to sit on the porch. And he would stop speaking to my grandfather or me for hours at a time." "That's too bad," said Tweaty. "If you were good at baseball, you should have stuck with it." "But I did stick with it," replied the shadow.

I know a lot of ballplayers and they always tell me not to sign with anybody unless I get a good salary. They all tell me you better get it when you're young, 'cause you sure won't get it when you're old. "'That's a lot of nonsense, Mr. Kilfoyl said. 'Don't you worry. We'll treat you right. We'll give you a hundred dollars a month. That's a wonderful offer. "'I think he'll be overpaid, Mr.

We have, elsewhere, accounts which show that ballplayers, even though compelled to play with scant clothing, still covered themselves with their ornaments. J. M. Stanley in his Portraits of North American Indians, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington, 1862, Vol. II, p. 13, says that the "Creek" ball-players first appear on the ground in costume.

Now Richard wants to be a baseball player. He's so determined that nothing is going to stop him. Let's give him a chance and see what he can do. Don't force the boy to give up on his dreams." "Your grandfather sounds like a wise man to me," said Ozma. "He was," said the shadow. "But Dad would never listen. 'Ballplayers are no good, he'd insist.

"That sounds reasonable to me," said Tweaty. "Me, too," said Queen Ozma. "I certainly don't wear the same clothes to a meeting with a foreign dignitary as I would wear while playing marbles with Jellia Jamb." "Certainly not!" agreed Nibbles. "If only my father had thought that way," sighed Rube's shadow. "But he just scoffed. 'Do ballplayers get paid? he'd ask. "'Yes, I told him.

"Bill Bradley was the third baseman for the Cleveland Indians and one of the greatest who ever lived and he also barnstormed with his 'Boo Gang' after the season was over. So by the time I was fifteen or so, I knew a lot of ballplayers. And I had my heart set on being a Big Leaguer myself. "Well, one of my best friends was a catcher named Howard Wakefield. He was about five years older than I was.

The "rabbit" bounded forty feet out of his hands! When Snead's grounder nearly tore the third baseman's leg off; when Bane's hit proved as elusive as a flitting shadow; when Lake's liner knocked the pitcher flat, and Doran's fly leaped high out of the center fielder's glove then those earnest, simple, country ballplayers realized something was wrong.

"'A ballplayer? he'd say, throwing his hands up in the air. 'What do you mean? How can you make a living as a ballplayer? I don't understand why a grown man would wear those funny-looking suits in the first place. "'Well, I'd answer. 'You see policemen with uniforms on, and other people like that. They change after they're through working. It's the same way with ballplayers."

Come on, get out of here before I run you in! "'No, I said. 'I'm reporting to the Waterloo Ball Club. "'You're what? he says. 'My God! Did you ever wash your face? "'Yes I did, I said. 'But I've been travelling for five days and five nights, and I am anxious to get to the Ball Park. Where do the ballplayers hang around? "'At the Smoke Shop, he says. 'Down the street about a half of a mile.

Thus the sharp inning ended with a magnificent play. It electrified the spectators into a fierce energy of applause. With one accord, by baseball instinct, the stands and bleachers and roped-in-sidelines realized it was to be a game of games and they answered to the stimulus with a savage enthusiasm that inspired ballplayers to great plays.